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Special:GraphSandbox should use CSS instead of obsolete width attribute
Closed, ResolvedPublic

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He7d3r raised the priority of this task from to Needs Triage.
He7d3r updated the task description. (Show Details)
He7d3r subscribed.

@He7d3r I know graph sandbox needs some polishing, but I'm pretty bad with the html/css layouts. Any help is welcome :)

@He7d3r, I have never worked with the Graph extension but let me submit a patch for this :)

Change 270733 had a related patch set uploaded (by D3r1ck01):
Removing obsolete html Width attribute

Thanks, I will test it in an hour. How hard would it be to make it so that there are no multiple nested scrollbars ? And also so that smaller screens still show it reasonably well?

Change 270733 merged by jenkins-bot:
Removing obsolete html Width attribute

@Danny_B, do you want this who extension to be refactored?

In T126967#2029471, @D3r1ck01 wrote:

@Danny_B, do you want this who extension to be refactored?

Such column is for any kind of refactoring, even small like this task. It does not imply any particular size of work.

Should this task be closed and a new one created for improving the sandbox usability? Currently when edit box has a lot of text, it shows two sets of the scrollbars - one for the editor's container, and another for the editor itself.

@Danny_B, i buy @Yurik's idea, i think creating another task which will be purposely to improve on the usability of Sandbox will be a good thing to do. This task can be marked as resolved. What do you think?

If this is solved, just close it. If you found another issue not covered by this task, please open new.

The columns in Technical-Debt workboard is purely about tasks they contain, not about the entire product. Thus since this task is about refactoring the formatting a bit, it went to the Rewrite / Refactor column...