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ConfirmEdit should add the possibility to validate the input of [[MediaWiki:Captcha-ip-whitelist]]
Closed, ResolvedPublic


With T103122: Allow IP addresses and ranges to be whitelisted from CAPTCHAs on wiki, ConfirmEdit allows to configure the IP whitelist on-wiki in an interface message. That's very good, but I think it would be great, if ConfirmEdit also adds the possibility to validate the added/entered IPs when, e.g., pressing the Preview button. That would allow an administrator (who is not familar with IP-addresses at all) to check if the rules are at least valid against the IP format and are readable and understandable by ConfirmEdit (this wouldn't cover the case, that the user provided the _false_ IP address, this is probably a subject for a new task to provide a special page to check an IP address against the whitelist).

Event Timeline

Change 277051 had a related patch set uploaded (by Florianschmidtwelzow):
Replace the edit preview with a validation of whitelisted ip addresses

The result of the above change would be:

Unbenannt.PNG (765×1 px, 50 KB)

Version after implementing the comments from @Glaisher:

Unbenannt.PNG (468×1 px, 34 KB)

Change 277051 merged by jenkins-bot:
Replace the edit preview with a validation of whitelisted IP addresses