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reclaim restbase1001-1006 to spares
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This task will track the reclaimation of restbase1001-1006 to spares. Once back, these have a number of tasks blocked for allocation with some of them.

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Restricted Application added a subscriber: Aklapper. · View Herald Transcript

@RobH @mark We need to decide on what disks to buy for them?

I know you sent half of the Dell Constellation ES.2 (2.5)ST9250610NS to CODFW, but we could put at least two of each into these. Spares shows 25 left, so 12 could go for this.

That is just an easy default for these, we can install larger capacity 2.5" disks if wanted. Please note we have to use the sff disks OR buy new drive sleds from HP to use LFF disks.

I have 14 of the 500GB SATA spares...these are a popular size disks and would rather leave them as spares. Also, I would imagine we would want higher capacity disks for the HP's. I think at a minimum we should have (2) 1TB disks.

RobH mentioned this in Unknown Object (Task).Apr 6 2016, 10:33 PM

update: this is waiting on decommissioning restbase1004-restbase1005, for which we'll need to cassandra bootstrap new hardware, which in turn was waiting for codfw cassandra bootstraps (now unblocked, since we're waiting for codfw hardware anyway)

update: this is complete on the cassandra/restbase side, pending hardware decommission

RobH added a parent task: Unknown Object (Task).May 16 2016, 6:44 PM

Ok, chatting with Chris we are good to add these to spares.

However, restbase1001 isn't called that anymore, so it has been used for something else since.

I'm adding the others (without disks) to the spares tracking page.

So graphite1003 was once restbase1001, figured it out, resolving this task.

spares have been added to the spares tracking sheet.