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install restbase1010-restbase1015
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new hardware has been received as per {T126049}, next steps are to rack / install / burn in the hardware

Event Timeline

we'll be starting with row 'A', same row as restbase1001 / restbase1002 / restbase1007, at two machines per row

chatting with @Cmjohnson on IRC, we'll need to install the new machines with 5x ssd from the beginning, there should be 12x + 3x SSD in eqiad. IOW we have SSD for 3x machines to start with, the remaining 18x SSD will come from restbase1001-1006 as they are progressively decommissioned.

IOW we have SSD for 3x machines to start with, the remaining 18x SSD will come from restbase1001-1006 as they are progressively decommissioned.

I guess if we're wanting to get ahead of the curve, the third machine could be stood up in rack 'B'.

Without taking from existing servers (restbae1001-6). I am able to stand up
2 machines (restbase1010-1011). To get the next 2(1012-1013) servers going
we'll need the ssds from restbase1001-1002.

Current status is 1010 and 1011 are ready for installs, everything but
identifying the partman recipe is complete

completed: racked, cabled, switch cfg, dhcp, dns, confirmed virtual console

Change 273912 had a related patch set uploaded (by Filippo Giunchedi):
cassandra: add restbase1010-restbase1015 to site/install_server

Change 273912 merged by Filippo Giunchedi:
cassandra: add restbase1010-restbase1015 to site/install_server

fgiunchedi renamed this task from install restbase1010-restbase1016 to install restbase1010-restbase1015.Feb 29 2016, 6:25 PM

thanks @Cmjohnson ! I could successfully install restbase1010 after fixing partman in though restbase1011 doesn't seem to be able to pxe-boot yet (stuck in a loop boot)

Change 274105 had a related patch set uploaded (by Filippo Giunchedi):
add restbase101[0-5] cassandra instances

Change 274105 merged by Filippo Giunchedi:
add restbase101[0-5] cassandra instances

Change 274107 had a related patch set uploaded (by Filippo Giunchedi):
hieradata: add restbase101[0-5] instances to cassandra seeds

Change 274107 merged by Filippo Giunchedi:
hieradata: add restbase101[0-5] instances to cassandra seeds

Change 274133 had a related patch set uploaded (by Filippo Giunchedi):
cassandra: add restbase101[0-5] instances

Change 274133 merged by Filippo Giunchedi:
cassandra: add restbase101[0-5] instances

Mentioned in SAL [2016-03-02T14:06:27Z] <godog> bootstrap restbase1010-a T128107

thanks @Cmjohnson ! I could successfully install restbase1010 after fixing partman in though restbase1011 doesn't seem to be able to pxe-boot yet (stuck in a loop boot)

issue was bios set to boot as UEFI, when set to bios legacy I was able to pxe-boot it and run debian-installer

Change 274724 had a related patch set uploaded (by Filippo Giunchedi):
cassandra: add restbase1010-b instance

Change 274724 merged by Filippo Giunchedi:
cassandra: add restbase1010-b instance

Mentioned in SAL [2016-03-03T17:58:04Z] <urandom> increasing stream throughput for restbase1010-b.eqiad.wmnet boostrap by 25mbps (5x5) : T128107 T95253

Mentioned in SAL [2016-03-03T18:14:27Z] <urandom> lowering outbound stream throughput limit on restbase1010-a.eqiad.wmnet to 25mbps : T128107 T95253

status update:
restbase1010 is in service with two instances
restbase1011 is bootstrapping its second instance (ETA 7-8h)

after that's done we can start decommissioning restbase1001 / restbase1002

Change 277206 had a related patch set uploaded (by Filippo Giunchedi):
cassandra: deprovision restbase100[12]

Change 277208 had a related patch set uploaded (by Filippo Giunchedi):
deprovision restbase100[12]

Change 277206 merged by Filippo Giunchedi:
cassandra: deprovision restbase100[12]

Change 277210 had a related patch set uploaded (by Filippo Giunchedi):
conftool: swap restbase100[12] with restbase101[01]

Change 277208 merged by Filippo Giunchedi:
deprovision restbase100[12]

Chris, restbase100[12] have been halted and they can be repurposed modulo SSDs which we'll need for other restbase machines in this ticket, let me know when ssds have been installed in restbase101[34]

Change 277210 merged by Filippo Giunchedi:
conftool: swap restbase100[12] with restbase101[01]

@fgiunchedi restbase101[23] have ssds now, enabled on the switch and are ready for you to install.

thanks @Cmjohnson ! I've halted both restbase1003 and restbase1004, should be good to be reclaimed.
once that's done we can move onto the last row with restbase1014 / restbase1015 !

@fgiunchedi restbase1014 is ready for you. I cannot do restbase1015 until both restabse1005/1006 are taken offline. I do not have enough disks to do both.

thanks @Cmjohnson ! I don't see the port configured in asw-d-eqiad nor port assignment in phab or racktables though, can you help?

@fgiunchedi restbase1014 is ready for you. I cannot do restbase1015 until both restabse1005/1006 are taken offline. I do not have enough disks to do both.

@Cmjohnson I thought we had enough disks to deploy two new nodes at a time for all three racks (providing of course that we decommissioned two nodes and cannibalized the disks each time)? Was that not the case, or did something change?

No, we do not have enough disks. we are adding 5 each and removing 3. even if i used the remaining 3 spare i am still 1 disk short of being able to populate the last restbase

No, we do not have enough disks. we are adding 5 each and removing 3. even if i used the remaining 3 spare i am still 1 disk short of being able to populate the last restbase

Auh, OK; I get it now. Thanks!

For posterity, here's @Eevans' maths as to why we are short of disks:

(15:32:20) urandom: actually, i think i get itt
(15:32:34) mobrovac: have we miscalculated the number of disks?
(15:32:43) urandom: we put two machines up, requiring 10 disks (5 each)
(15:33:04) urandom: then we decomm'd 2, recoving 6 (3 each)
(15:33:17) urandom: then we did the same a second time
(15:33:24) urandom: using 10, and recovering 6
(15:33:41) mobrovac: but we ordered the extra disks a while ago, haven't we?
(15:34:09) urandom: let's see, we ordered enough to take use to 5 disks, and we had already done...3 of them?
(15:34:50) urandom: so we had 12 disks for expansion (6*2)?
(15:34:59) urandom: then some spares, I guess
(15:35:36) urandom: godog: does that sound right?
(15:37:04) mobrovac: we already had 9 nodes at the time of the order, i think
(15:37:22) urandom: yes, and i think we had already expanded to 5 disks in 3 of them
(15:37:40) urandom: 7, 8, and 9, if my recollection is correct
(15:37:45) mobrovac: so i think we ordered 9*2 disks, not 6*2
(15:37:50) mobrovac: yes, those were the first ones
(15:38:15) urandom: yes, but at the time we started standing up new nodes, we had already used 2*3 in nodes 7,8, and 9
(15:38:22) urandom: leaving us with 6*2
(15:38:51) urandom: 2 disks each, for the remaining 6 nodes
(15:39:49) mobrovac: ok
(15:40:03) mobrovac: and now, we are moving 01:06 to 10:15
(15:40:14) mobrovac: my maths says that's the same number of machines
(15:40:24) urandom: the new machines had no disks
(15:40:31) mobrovac: ah!
(15:40:34) urandom: we had 12 to start off with
(15:40:51) urandom: yeah
(15:40:52) mobrovac: assumption fail
(15:40:53) urandom: :)
(15:40:53) mobrovac: :)
(15:41:21) urandom: so we robbed Peter to pay Paul until our Peter hurt
(15:41:44) urandom: (thank you, i'm here all week)
(15:41:59) urandom: (don't forget to tip your waitstaff)

tl;dr: We don't have enough spares to temporarily stand up an extra node with 5T storage.

Change 282361 had a related patch set uploaded (by Filippo Giunchedi):
cassandra: add restbase1014-a

Change 282361 merged by Filippo Giunchedi:
cassandra: add restbase1014-a

Mentioned in SAL [2016-04-11T08:30:48Z] <godog> bootstrap restbase1014-b T128107

@Cmjohnson I've deprovisioned restbase1005 and restbase1006 and both are shutdown, should be enough disks to get restbase1015 going now, thanks!

Mentioned in SAL [2016-04-22T13:43:52Z] <godog> bootstrap restbase1015-a T128107

the bootstrap didn't complete as expected with cassandra reporting corrupted sstables in logs

root@restbase1015:/var/log/cassandra# grep ERROR system-a.log 
ERROR [main] 2016-04-22 13:36:46,817 - Fatal configuration error
ERROR [MigrationStage:1] 2016-04-22 13:39:51,309 - unknown endpoint /
ERROR [MigrationStage:1] 2016-04-22 13:39:51,367 - unknown endpoint /
ERROR [CompactionExecutor:444] 2016-04-22 18:23:24,443 - Exception in thread Thread[CompactionExecutor:444,1,main]
ERROR [CompactionExecutor:444] 2016-04-22 18:23:24,445 - Exiting forcefully due to file system exception on startup, disk failure policy "stop"
ERROR [CompactionExecutor:19] 2016-04-22 19:25:18,375 - Exception in thread Thread[CompactionExecutor:19,1,main]
ERROR [CompactionExecutor:19] 2016-04-22 19:25:18,377 - Exiting forcefully due to file system exception on startup, disk failure policy "stop"
ERROR [CompactionExecutor:3] 2016-04-22 19:37:41,415 - Exception in thread Thread[CompactionExecutor:3,1,main]
ERROR [CompactionExecutor:3] 2016-04-22 19:37:41,418 - Exiting forcefully due to file system exception on startup, disk failure policy "stop"
ERROR [CompactionExecutor:10] 2016-04-22 20:08:20,432 - Exception in thread Thread[CompactionExecutor:10,1,main]
ERROR [CompactionExecutor:10] 2016-04-22 20:08:20,436 - Exiting forcefully due to file system exception on startup, disk failure policy "stop"
ERROR [CompactionExecutor:1] 2016-04-22 20:39:50,433 - Exception in thread Thread[CompactionExecutor:1,1,main]
ERROR [CompactionExecutor:1] 2016-04-22 20:39:50,435 - Exiting forcefully due to file system exception on startup, disk failure policy "stop"
ERROR [CompactionExecutor:6] 2016-04-22 21:08:07,790 - Exception in thread Thread[CompactionExecutor:6,1,main]
ERROR [CompactionExecutor:6] 2016-04-22 21:08:07,793 - Exiting forcefully due to file system exception on startup, disk failure policy "stop"
ERROR [CompactionExecutor:8] 2016-04-22 21:38:01,460 - Exception in thread Thread[CompactionExecutor:8,1,main]
ERROR [CompactionExecutor:8] 2016-04-22 21:38:01,462 - Exiting forcefully due to file system exception on startup, disk failure policy "stop"
ERROR [CompactionExecutor:7] 2016-04-22 22:08:02,257 - Exception in thread Thread[CompactionExecutor:7,1,main]
ERROR [CompactionExecutor:7] 2016-04-22 22:08:02,259 - Exiting forcefully due to file system exception on startup, disk failure policy "stop"
ERROR [CompactionExecutor:9] 2016-04-22 22:38:24,659 - Exception in thread Thread[CompactionExecutor:9,1,main]
ERROR [CompactionExecutor:9] 2016-04-22 22:38:24,684 - Exiting forcefully due to file system exception on startup, disk failure policy "stop"
ERROR [CompactionExecutor:10] 2016-04-22 23:08:02,484 - Exception in thread Thread[CompactionExecutor:10,1,main]
ERROR [CompactionExecutor:10] 2016-04-22 23:08:02,493 - Exiting forcefully due to file system exception on startup, disk failure policy "stop"
ERROR [CompactionExecutor:9] 2016-04-22 23:37:46,427 - Exception in thread Thread[CompactionExecutor:9,1,main]
ERROR [CompactionExecutor:9] 2016-04-22 23:37:46,430 - Exiting forcefully due to file system exception on startup, disk failure policy "stop"
ERROR [CompactionExecutor:3] 2016-04-23 00:08:20,325 - Exception in thread Thread[CompactionExecutor:3,1,main]
ERROR [CompactionExecutor:3] 2016-04-23 00:08:20,327 - Exiting forcefully due to file system exception on startup, disk failure policy "stop"
ERROR [CompactionExecutor:10] 2016-04-23 00:38:10,952 - Exception in thread Thread[CompactionExecutor:10,1,main]
ERROR [CompactionExecutor:10] 2016-04-23 00:38:10,954 - Exiting forcefully due to file system exception on startup, disk failure policy "stop"
ERROR [CompactionExecutor:26] 2016-04-23 01:19:53,937 - Exception in thread Thread[CompactionExecutor:26,1,main]
ERROR [CompactionExecutor:26] 2016-04-23 01:19:53,939 - Exiting forcefully due to file system exception on startup, disk failure policy "stop"
ERROR [CompactionExecutor:1] 2016-04-23 01:39:01,211 - Exception in thread Thread[CompactionExecutor:1,1,main]
ERROR [CompactionExecutor:1] 2016-04-23 01:39:01,214 - Exiting forcefully due to file system exception on startup, disk failure policy "stop"
ERROR [CompactionExecutor:10] 2016-04-23 02:07:55,352 - Exception in thread Thread[CompactionExecutor:10,1,main]
ERROR [CompactionExecutor:10] 2016-04-23 02:07:55,354 - Exiting forcefully due to file system exception on startup, disk failure policy "stop"
ERROR [CompactionExecutor:8] 2016-04-23 02:37:51,488 - Exception in thread Thread[CompactionExecutor:8,1,main]
ERROR [CompactionExecutor:8] 2016-04-23 02:37:51,490 - Exiting forcefully due to file system exception on startup, disk failure policy "stop"
ERROR [CompactionExecutor:4] 2016-04-23 03:08:17,969 - Exception in thread Thread[CompactionExecutor:4,1,main]
ERROR [CompactionExecutor:4] 2016-04-23 03:08:17,972 - Exiting forcefully due to file system exception on startup, disk failure policy "stop"
ERROR [CompactionExecutor:4] 2016-04-23 03:37:36,780 - Exception in thread Thread[CompactionExecutor:4,1,main]
ERROR [CompactionExecutor:4] 2016-04-23 03:37:36,782 - Exiting forcefully due to file system exception on startup, disk failure policy "stop"
ERROR [CompactionExecutor:9] 2016-04-23 04:08:18,449 - Exception in thread Thread[CompactionExecutor:9,1,main]
ERROR [CompactionExecutor:9] 2016-04-23 04:08:18,452 - Exiting forcefully due to file system exception on startup, disk failure policy "stop"
ERROR [CompactionExecutor:10] 2016-04-23 04:37:32,204 - Exception in thread Thread[CompactionExecutor:10,1,main]
ERROR [CompactionExecutor:10] 2016-04-23 04:37:32,207 - Exiting forcefully due to file system exception on startup, disk failure policy "stop"
ERROR [CompactionExecutor:9] 2016-04-23 05:07:34,578 - Exception in thread Thread[CompactionExecutor:9,1,main]
ERROR [CompactionExecutor:9] 2016-04-23 05:07:34,582 - Exiting forcefully due to file system exception on startup, disk failure policy "stop"
ERROR [CompactionExecutor:6] 2016-04-23 05:37:43,637 - Exception in thread Thread[CompactionExecutor:6,1,main]
ERROR [CompactionExecutor:6] 2016-04-23 05:37:43,640 - Exiting forcefully due to file system exception on startup, disk failure policy "stop"
ERROR [CompactionExecutor:7] 2016-04-23 06:08:04,476 - Exception in thread Thread[CompactionExecutor:7,1,main]
ERROR [CompactionExecutor:7] 2016-04-23 06:08:04,479 - Exiting forcefully due to file system exception on startup, disk failure policy "stop"
ERROR [CompactionExecutor:7] 2016-04-23 06:37:42,678 - Exception in thread Thread[CompactionExecutor:7,1,main]
ERROR [CompactionExecutor:7] 2016-04-23 06:37:42,681 - Exiting forcefully due to file system exception on startup, disk failure policy "stop"
ERROR [CompactionExecutor:7] 2016-04-23 07:07:34,124 - Exception in thread Thread[CompactionExecutor:7,1,main]
ERROR [CompactionExecutor:7] 2016-04-23 07:07:34,127 - Exiting forcefully due to file system exception on startup, disk failure policy "stop"
ERROR [CompactionExecutor:9] 2016-04-23 07:37:26,231 - Exception in thread Thread[CompactionExecutor:9,1,main]
ERROR [CompactionExecutor:9] 2016-04-23 07:37:26,233 - Exiting forcefully due to file system exception on startup, disk failure policy "stop"
ERROR [CompactionExecutor:10] 2016-04-23 08:07:38,763 - Exception in thread Thread[CompactionExecutor:10,1,main]
ERROR [CompactionExecutor:10] 2016-04-23 08:07:38,765 - Exiting forcefully due to file system exception on startup, disk failure policy "stop"
ERROR [CompactionExecutor:1] 2016-04-23 08:37:21,887 - Exception in thread Thread[CompactionExecutor:1,1,main]
ERROR [CompactionExecutor:1] 2016-04-23 08:37:21,891 - Exiting forcefully due to file system exception on startup, disk failure policy "stop"
Apr 22 13:37:02 restbase1015 kernel: [ 8777.768915] ip6_tables: (C) 2000-2006 Netfilter Core Team
Apr 22 13:45:35 restbase1015 kernel: [ 9291.566670] perf interrupt took too long (2514 > 2500), lowering kernel.perf_event_max_sample_rate to 50000
Apr 22 13:52:22 restbase1015 kernel: [ 9698.615155] hpsa 0000:03:00.0: scsi 0:0:2:0 Aborting command ffff8810340f6040Tag:0x00000000:000000f0 CDBLen: 10 CDB: 0x2a00... SN: 0x0  BEING SENT
Apr 22 13:52:22 restbase1015 kernel: [ 9698.615161] hpsa 0000:03:00.0: scsi 0:0:2:0: Aborting command Direct-Access     ATA      Samsung SSD 850  PHYS DRV SSDSmartPathCap- En- Exp=1
Apr 22 13:52:43 restbase1015 kernel: [ 9719.557149] hpsa 0000:03:00.0: CDB 00000000000000000000000000000000 was aborted with status 0x0
Apr 22 13:52:43 restbase1015 kernel: [ 9719.557198] hpsa 0000:03:00.0: scsi 0:0:2:0 Aborting command ffff8810340f6040Tag:0x00000000:000000f0 CDBLen: 10 CDB: 0x2a00... SN: 0x0  SENT, FAILED
Apr 22 13:52:43 restbase1015 kernel: [ 9719.557203] hpsa 0000:03:00.0: scsi 0:0:2:0: FAILED to abort command Direct-Access     ATA      Samsung SSD 850  PHYS DRV SSDSmartPathCap- En- Exp=1
Apr 22 13:52:43 restbase1015 kernel: [ 9719.557209] hpsa 0000:03:00.0: scsi 0:0:2:0 Aborting command ffff8820369c64c0Tag:0x00000000:00000130 CDBLen: 10 CDB: 0x2a00... SN: 0x0  BEING SENT
Apr 22 13:52:43 restbase1015 kernel: [ 9719.557211] hpsa 0000:03:00.0: scsi 0:0:2:0: Aborting command Direct-Access     ATA      Samsung SSD 850  PHYS DRV SSDSmartPathCap- En- Exp=1
Apr 22 13:52:43 restbase1015 kernel: [ 9719.557306] hpsa 0000:03:00.0: scsi 0:0:2:0 Aborting command ffff8820369c64c0Tag:0x00000000:00000130 CDBLen: 10 CDB: 0x2a00... SN: 0x0  SENT, SUCCESS
Apr 22 13:52:43 restbase1015 kernel: [ 9719.587314] hpsa 0000:03:00.0: CDB 2a001c93e67000000800000000000000 was aborted with status 0x0
Apr 22 13:52:43 restbase1015 kernel: [ 9719.587448] hpsa 0000:03:00.0: scsi 0:0:2:0: resetting physical  Direct-Access     ATA      Samsung SSD 850  PHYS DRV SSDSmartPathCap- En- Exp=1
Apr 22 13:52:43 restbase1015 kernel: [ 9719.587615] hpsa 0000:03:00.0: scsi 0:0:2:0: reset physical  completed successfully Direct-Access     ATA      Samsung SSD 850  PHYS DRV SSDSmartPathCap- En- Exp=1
Apr 22 13:55:43 restbase1015 kernel: [ 9899.697940] hpsa 0000:03:00.0: scsi 0:0:3:0 Aborting command ffff882038343940Tag:0x00000000:000001a0 CDBLen: 10 CDB: 0x2a00... SN: 0x0  BEING SENT
Apr 22 13:55:43 restbase1015 kernel: [ 9899.697946] hpsa 0000:03:00.0: scsi 0:0:3:0: Aborting command Direct-Access     ATA      Samsung SSD 850  PHYS DRV SSDSmartPathCap- En- Exp=1
Apr 22 13:55:43 restbase1015 kernel: [ 9899.698069] hpsa 0000:03:00.0: CDB 00000000000000000000000000000000 was aborted with status 0x0
Apr 22 13:55:43 restbase1015 kernel: [ 9899.698085] hpsa 0000:03:00.0: scsi 0:0:3:0 Aborting command ffff882038343940Tag:0x00000000:000001a0 CDBLen: 10 CDB: 0x2a00... SN: 0x0  SENT, SUCCESS
Apr 22 13:55:43 restbase1015 kernel: [ 9899.698099] hpsa 0000:03:00.0: scsi 0:0:3:0 Aborting command ffff88203579d500Tag:0x00000000:00000190 CDBLen: 10 CDB: 0x2a00... SN: 0x0  BEING SENT
Apr 22 13:55:43 restbase1015 kernel: [ 9899.698107] hpsa 0000:03:00.0: scsi 0:0:3:0: Aborting command Direct-Access     ATA      Samsung SSD 850  PHYS DRV SSDSmartPathCap- En- Exp=1
Apr 22 13:55:43 restbase1015 kernel: [ 9899.698176] hpsa 0000:03:00.0: CDB 00000000000000000000000000000000 was aborted with status 0x0
Apr 22 13:55:43 restbase1015 kernel: [ 9899.698187] hpsa 0000:03:00.0: scsi 0:0:3:0 Aborting command ffff88203579d500Tag:0x00000000:00000190 CDBLen: 10 CDB: 0x2a00... SN: 0x0  SENT, SUCCESS
Apr 22 13:55:43 restbase1015 kernel: [ 9899.698197] hpsa 0000:03:00.0: scsi 0:0:3:0 Aborting command ffff880c8d4b2b00Tag:0x00000000:00000160 CDBLen: 10 CDB: 0x2a00... SN: 0x0  BEING SENT
Apr 22 13:55:43 restbase1015 kernel: [ 9899.698206] hpsa 0000:03:00.0: scsi 0:0:3:0: Aborting command Direct-Access     ATA      Samsung SSD 850  PHYS DRV SSDSmartPathCap- En- Exp=1
Apr 22 13:55:43 restbase1015 kernel: [ 9899.698265] hpsa 0000:03:00.0: CDB 00000000000000000000000000000000 was aborted with status 0x0
Apr 22 13:55:43 restbase1015 kernel: [ 9899.698273] hpsa 0000:03:00.0: scsi 0:0:3:0 Aborting command ffff880c8d4b2b00Tag:0x00000000:00000160 CDBLen: 10 CDB: 0x2a00... SN: 0x0  SENT, SUCCESS
Apr 22 13:55:43 restbase1015 kernel: [ 9899.698281] hpsa 0000:03:00.0: scsi 0:0:3:0 Aborting command ffff8810397127c0Tag:0x00000000:00000130 CDBLen: 10 CDB: 0x2a00... SN: 0x0  BEING SENT
Apr 22 13:55:43 restbase1015 kernel: [ 9899.698285] hpsa 0000:03:00.0: scsi 0:0:3:0: Aborting command Direct-Access     ATA      Samsung SSD 850  PHYS DRV SSDSmartPathCap- En- Exp=1
Apr 22 13:55:43 restbase1015 kernel: [ 9899.698367] hpsa 0000:03:00.0: CDB 00000000000000000000000000000000 was aborted with status 0x0
Apr 22 13:55:43 restbase1015 kernel: [ 9899.698395] hpsa 0000:03:00.0: scsi 0:0:3:0 Aborting command ffff8810397127c0Tag:0x00000000:00000130 CDBLen: 10 CDB: 0x2a00... SN: 0x0  SENT, SUCCESS
Apr 22 13:55:43 restbase1015 kernel: [ 9899.698415] hpsa 0000:03:00.0: scsi 0:0:3:0 Aborting command ffff88103801a340Tag:0x00000000:000000e0 CDBLen: 10 CDB: 0x2a00... SN: 0x0  BEING SENT
Apr 22 13:55:43 restbase1015 kernel: [ 9899.698426] hpsa 0000:03:00.0: scsi 0:0:3:0: Aborting command Direct-Access     ATA      Samsung SSD 850  PHYS DRV SSDSmartPathCap- En- Exp=1
Apr 22 13:55:43 restbase1015 kernel: [ 9899.698503] hpsa 0000:03:00.0: CDB 00000000000000000000000000000000 was aborted with status 0x0
Apr 22 13:55:43 restbase1015 kernel: [ 9899.698517] hpsa 0000:03:00.0: scsi 0:0:3:0 Aborting command ffff88103801a340Tag:0x00000000:000000e0 CDBLen: 10 CDB: 0x2a00... SN: 0x0  SENT, SUCCESS
Apr 22 13:55:43 restbase1015 kernel: [ 9899.698527] hpsa 0000:03:00.0: scsi 0:0:3:0 Aborting command ffff8810375c8b00Tag:0x00000000:000000d0 CDBLen: 10 CDB: 0x2a00... SN: 0x0  BEING SENT
Apr 22 13:55:43 restbase1015 kernel: [ 9899.698532] hpsa 0000:03:00.0: scsi 0:0:3:0: Aborting command Direct-Access     ATA      Samsung SSD 850  PHYS DRV SSDSmartPathCap- En- Exp=1
Apr 22 13:56:07 restbase1015 kernel: [ 9923.558583] hpsa 0000:03:00.0: CDB 00000000000000000000000000000000 was aborted with status 0x0
Apr 22 13:56:07 restbase1015 kernel: [ 9923.558650] hpsa 0000:03:00.0: scsi 0:0:3:0 Aborting command ffff8810375c8b00Tag:0x00000000:000000d0 CDBLen: 10 CDB: 0x2a00... SN: 0x0  SENT, FAILED
Apr 22 13:56:07 restbase1015 kernel: [ 9923.558657] hpsa 0000:03:00.0: scsi 0:0:3:0: FAILED to abort command Direct-Access     ATA      Samsung SSD 850  PHYS DRV SSDSmartPathCap- En- Exp=1
Apr 22 13:56:07 restbase1015 kernel: [ 9923.558664] hpsa 0000:03:00.0: scsi 0:0:3:0 Aborting command ffff8810392a0840Tag:0x00000000:00000140 CDBLen: 10 CDB: 0x2a00... SN: 0x0  BEING SENT
Apr 22 13:56:07 restbase1015 kernel: [ 9923.558666] hpsa 0000:03:00.0: scsi 0:0:3:0: Aborting command Direct-Access     ATA      Samsung SSD 850  PHYS DRV SSDSmartPathCap- En- Exp=1
Apr 22 13:56:07 restbase1015 kernel: [ 9923.558710] hpsa 0000:03:00.0: scsi 0:0:3:0 Aborting command ffff8810392a0840Tag:0x00000000:00000140 CDBLen: 10 CDB: 0x2a00... SN: 0x0  SENT, SUCCESS
Apr 22 13:56:07 restbase1015 kernel: [ 9923.570153] hpsa 0000:03:00.0: CDB 2a001ca181c000000800000000000000 was aborted with status 0x0
Apr 22 13:56:07 restbase1015 kernel: [ 9923.584672] hpsa 0000:03:00.0: scsi 0:0:3:0: resetting physical  Direct-Access     ATA      Samsung SSD 850  PHYS DRV SSDSmartPathCap- En- Exp=1
Apr 22 13:56:07 restbase1015 kernel: [ 9923.584828] hpsa 0000:03:00.0: scsi 0:0:3:0: reset physical  completed successfully Direct-Access     ATA      Samsung SSD 850  PHYS DRV SSDSmartPathCap- En- Exp=1
Apr 22 13:59:25 restbase1015 kernel: [10121.990085] perf interrupt took too long (5552 > 5000), lowering kernel.perf_event_max_sample_rate to 25000
Apr 22 17:16:12 restbase1015 kernel: [21928.402261] hpsa 0000:03:00.0: scsi 0:0:1:0 Aborting command ffff882035938340Tag:0x00000000:000000f0 CDBLen: 10 CDB: 0x2a00... SN: 0x0  BEING SENT
Apr 22 17:16:12 restbase1015 kernel: [21928.402270] hpsa 0000:03:00.0: scsi 0:0:1:0: Aborting command Direct-Access     ATA      Samsung SSD 850  PHYS DRV SSDSmartPathCap- En- Exp=1
Apr 22 17:16:12 restbase1015 kernel: [21928.402387] hpsa 0000:03:00.0: CDB 00000000000000000000000000000000 was aborted with status 0x0
Apr 22 17:16:12 restbase1015 kernel: [21928.402404] hpsa 0000:03:00.0: scsi 0:0:1:0 Aborting command ffff882035938340Tag:0x00000000:000000f0 CDBLen: 10 CDB: 0x2a00... SN: 0x0  SENT, SUCCESS
Apr 22 17:16:12 restbase1015 kernel: [21928.402425] hpsa 0000:03:00.0: scsi 0:0:1:0 Aborting command ffff8820369d2c40Tag:0x00000000:000000e0 CDBLen: 10 CDB: 0x2a00... SN: 0x0  BEING SENT
Apr 22 17:16:12 restbase1015 kernel: [21928.402437] hpsa 0000:03:00.0: scsi 0:0:1:0: Aborting command Direct-Access     ATA      Samsung SSD 850  PHYS DRV SSDSmartPathCap- En- Exp=1
Apr 22 17:16:12 restbase1015 kernel: [21928.402499] hpsa 0000:03:00.0: CDB 00000000000000000000000000000000 was aborted with status 0x0
Apr 22 17:16:12 restbase1015 kernel: [21928.402513] hpsa 0000:03:00.0: scsi 0:0:1:0 Aborting command ffff8820369d2c40Tag:0x00000000:000000e0 CDBLen: 10 CDB: 0x2a00... SN: 0x0  SENT, SUCCESS
Apr 22 17:16:12 restbase1015 kernel: [21928.402526] hpsa 0000:03:00.0: scsi 0:0:1:0 Aborting command ffff881039181380Tag:0x00000000:000000d0 CDBLen: 10 CDB: 0x2a00... SN: 0x0  BEING SENT
Apr 22 17:16:12 restbase1015 kernel: [21928.402530] hpsa 0000:03:00.0: scsi 0:0:1:0: Aborting command Direct-Access     ATA      Samsung SSD 850  PHYS DRV SSDSmartPathCap- En- Exp=1
Apr 22 17:16:33 restbase1015 kernel: [21949.642718] hpsa 0000:03:00.0: CDB 00000000000000000000000000000000 was aborted with status 0x0
Apr 22 17:16:33 restbase1015 kernel: [21949.642774] hpsa 0000:03:00.0: scsi 0:0:1:0 Aborting command ffff881039181380Tag:0x00000000:000000d0 CDBLen: 10 CDB: 0x2a00... SN: 0x0  SENT, FAILED
Apr 22 17:16:33 restbase1015 kernel: [21949.642785] hpsa 0000:03:00.0: scsi 0:0:1:0: FAILED to abort command Direct-Access     ATA      Samsung SSD 850  PHYS DRV SSDSmartPathCap- En- Exp=1
Apr 22 17:16:33 restbase1015 kernel: [21949.642797] hpsa 0000:03:00.0: scsi 0:0:1:0 Aborting command ffff880c58990b00Tag:0x00000000:000001b0 CDBLen: 10 CDB: 0x2a00... SN: 0x0  BEING SENT
Apr 22 17:16:33 restbase1015 kernel: [21949.642802] hpsa 0000:03:00.0: scsi 0:0:1:0: Aborting command Direct-Access     ATA      Samsung SSD 850  PHYS DRV SSDSmartPathCap- En- Exp=1
Apr 22 17:16:33 restbase1015 kernel: [21949.643059] hpsa 0000:03:00.0: scsi 0:0:1:0 Aborting command ffff880c58990b00Tag:0x00000000:000001b0 CDBLen: 10 CDB: 0x2a00... SN: 0x0  SENT, SUCCESS
Apr 22 17:16:33 restbase1015 kernel: [21949.659824] hpsa 0000:03:00.0: CDB 2a000016e8b800001000000000000000 was aborted with status 0x0
Apr 22 17:16:33 restbase1015 kernel: [21949.676870] hpsa 0000:03:00.0: scsi 0:0:1:0: resetting physical  Direct-Access     ATA      Samsung SSD 850  PHYS DRV SSDSmartPathCap- En- Exp=1
Apr 22 17:16:33 restbase1015 kernel: [21949.677027] hpsa 0000:03:00.0: scsi 0:0:1:0: reset physical  completed successfully Direct-Access     ATA      Samsung SSD 850  PHYS DRV SSDSmartPathCap- En- Exp=1
Apr 22 19:04:43 restbase1015 kernel: [28439.255762] hpsa 0000:03:00.0: scsi 0:0:2:0 Aborting command ffff88003644c540Tag:0x00000000:00000260 CDBLen: 10 CDB: 0x2a00... SN: 0x0  BEING SENT
Apr 22 19:04:43 restbase1015 kernel: [28439.255771] hpsa 0000:03:00.0: scsi 0:0:2:0: Aborting command Direct-Access     ATA      Samsung SSD 850  PHYS DRV SSDSmartPathCap- En- Exp=1
Apr 22 19:04:43 restbase1015 kernel: [28439.255855] hpsa 0000:03:00.0: CDB 00000000000000000000000000000000 was aborted with status 0x0
Apr 22 19:04:43 restbase1015 kernel: [28439.255864] hpsa 0000:03:00.0: scsi 0:0:2:0 Aborting command ffff88003644c540Tag:0x00000000:00000260 CDBLen: 10 CDB: 0x2a00... SN: 0x0  SENT, SUCCESS
Apr 22 19:04:43 restbase1015 kernel: [28439.255883] hpsa 0000:03:00.0: scsi 0:0:2:0 Aborting command ffff881039181380Tag:0x00000000:000000e0 CDBLen: 10 CDB: 0x2a00... SN: 0x0  BEING SENT
Apr 22 19:04:43 restbase1015 kernel: [28439.255887] hpsa 0000:03:00.0: scsi 0:0:2:0: Aborting command Direct-Access     ATA      Samsung SSD 850  PHYS DRV SSDSmartPathCap- En- Exp=1
Apr 22 19:04:43 restbase1015 kernel: [28439.255941] hpsa 0000:03:00.0: CDB 00000000000000000000000000000000 was aborted with status 0x0
Apr 22 19:04:43 restbase1015 kernel: [28439.255946] hpsa 0000:03:00.0: scsi 0:0:2:0 Aborting command ffff881039181380Tag:0x00000000:000000e0 CDBLen: 10 CDB: 0x2a00... SN: 0x0  SENT, SUCCESS
Apr 22 19:04:43 restbase1015 kernel: [28439.255956] hpsa 0000:03:00.0: scsi 0:0:2:0 Aborting command ffff880c694e20c0Tag:0x00000000:00000250 CDBLen: 10 CDB: 0x2a00... SN: 0x0  BEING SENT
Apr 22 19:04:43 restbase1015 kernel: [28439.255960] hpsa 0000:03:00.0: scsi 0:0:2:0: Aborting command Direct-Access     ATA      Samsung SSD 850  PHYS DRV SSDSmartPathCap- En- Exp=1
Apr 22 19:04:43 restbase1015 kernel: [28439.256013] hpsa 0000:03:00.0: CDB 00000000000000000000000000000000 was aborted with status 0x0
Apr 22 19:04:43 restbase1015 kernel: [28439.256029] hpsa 0000:03:00.0: scsi 0:0:2:0 Aborting command ffff880c694e20c0Tag:0x00000000:00000250 CDBLen: 10 CDB: 0x2a00... SN: 0x0  SENT, SUCCESS
Apr 22 19:04:43 restbase1015 kernel: [28439.256033] hpsa 0000:03:00.0: scsi 0:0:2:0 Aborting command ffff880c5b2330c0Tag:0x00000000:00000240 CDBLen: 10 CDB: 0x2a00... SN: 0x0  BEING SENT
Apr 22 19:04:43 restbase1015 kernel: [28439.256035] hpsa 0000:03:00.0: scsi 0:0:2:0: Aborting command Direct-Access     ATA      Samsung SSD 850  PHYS DRV SSDSmartPathCap- En- Exp=1
Apr 22 19:04:43 restbase1015 kernel: [28439.256085] hpsa 0000:03:00.0: CDB 00000000000000000000000000000000 was aborted with status 0x0
Apr 22 19:04:43 restbase1015 kernel: [28439.256087] hpsa 0000:03:00.0: scsi 0:0:2:0 Aborting command ffff880c5b2330c0Tag:0x00000000:00000240 CDBLen: 10 CDB: 0x2a00... SN: 0x0  SENT, SUCCESS
Apr 22 19:04:43 restbase1015 kernel: [28439.256090] hpsa 0000:03:00.0: scsi 0:0:2:0 Aborting command ffff881037ee21c0Tag:0x00000000:00000230 CDBLen: 10 CDB: 0x2a00... SN: 0x0  BEING SENT
Apr 22 19:04:43 restbase1015 kernel: [28439.256092] hpsa 0000:03:00.0: scsi 0:0:2:0: Aborting command Direct-Access     ATA      Samsung SSD 850  PHYS DRV SSDSmartPathCap- En- Exp=1
Apr 22 19:04:43 restbase1015 kernel: [28439.256142] hpsa 0000:03:00.0: CDB 00000000000000000000000000000000 was aborted with status 0x0
Apr 22 19:04:43 restbase1015 kernel: [28439.256144] hpsa 0000:03:00.0: scsi 0:0:2:0 Aborting command ffff881037ee21c0Tag:0x00000000:00000230 CDBLen: 10 CDB: 0x2a00... SN: 0x0  SENT, SUCCESS
Apr 22 19:04:43 restbase1015 kernel: [28439.256147] hpsa 0000:03:00.0: scsi 0:0:2:0 Aborting command ffff881037f151c0Tag:0x00000000:00000220 CDBLen: 10 CDB: 0x2a00... SN: 0x0  BEING SENT
Apr 22 19:04:43 restbase1015 kernel: [28439.256149] hpsa 0000:03:00.0: scsi 0:0:2:0: Aborting command Direct-Access     ATA      Samsung SSD 850  PHYS DRV SSDSmartPathCap- En- Exp=1
Apr 22 19:04:43 restbase1015 kernel: [28439.256199] hpsa 0000:03:00.0: CDB 00000000000000000000000000000000 was aborted with status 0x0
Apr 22 19:04:43 restbase1015 kernel: [28439.256201] hpsa 0000:03:00.0: scsi 0:0:2:0 Aborting command ffff881037f151c0Tag:0x00000000:00000220 CDBLen: 10 CDB: 0x2a00... SN: 0x0  SENT, SUCCESS
Apr 22 19:04:43 restbase1015 kernel: [28439.256205] hpsa 0000:03:00.0: scsi 0:0:2:0 Aborting command ffff88045d75c0c0Tag:0x00000000:00000210 CDBLen: 10 CDB: 0x2a00... SN: 0x0  BEING SENT
Apr 22 19:04:43 restbase1015 kernel: [28439.256206] hpsa 0000:03:00.0: scsi 0:0:2:0: Aborting command Direct-Access     ATA      Samsung SSD 850  PHYS DRV SSDSmartPathCap- En- Exp=1
Apr 22 19:04:43 restbase1015 kernel: [28439.256256] hpsa 0000:03:00.0: CDB 00000000000000000000000000000000 was aborted with status 0x0
Apr 22 19:04:43 restbase1015 kernel: [28439.256258] hpsa 0000:03:00.0: scsi 0:0:2:0 Aborting command ffff88045d75c0c0Tag:0x00000000:00000210 CDBLen: 10 CDB: 0x2a00... SN: 0x0  SENT, SUCCESS
Apr 22 19:04:43 restbase1015 kernel: [28439.256261] hpsa 0000:03:00.0: scsi 0:0:2:0 Aborting command ffff88100925e380Tag:0x00000000:000000d0 CDBLen: 10 CDB: 0x2a08... SN: 0x0  BEING SENT
Apr 22 19:04:43 restbase1015 kernel: [28439.256262] hpsa 0000:03:00.0: scsi 0:0:2:0: Aborting command Direct-Access     ATA      Samsung SSD 850  PHYS DRV SSDSmartPathCap- En- Exp=1
Apr 22 19:04:43 restbase1015 kernel: [28439.256312] hpsa 0000:03:00.0: CDB 00000000000000000000000000000000 was aborted with status 0x0
Apr 22 19:04:43 restbase1015 kernel: [28439.256314] hpsa 0000:03:00.0: scsi 0:0:2:0 Aborting command ffff88100925e380Tag:0x00000000:000000d0 CDBLen: 10 CDB: 0x2a08... SN: 0x0  SENT, SUCCESS
Apr 22 19:04:43 restbase1015 kernel: [28439.256318] hpsa 0000:03:00.0: scsi 0:0:2:0 Aborting command ffff880c68bca4c0Tag:0x00000000:00000100 CDBLen: 10 CDB: 0x2a00... SN: 0x0  BEING SENT
Apr 22 19:04:43 restbase1015 kernel: [28439.256319] hpsa 0000:03:00.0: scsi 0:0:2:0: Aborting command Direct-Access     ATA      Samsung SSD 850  PHYS DRV SSDSmartPathCap- En- Exp=1
Apr 22 19:04:43 restbase1015 kernel: [28439.256391] hpsa 0000:03:00.0: CDB 00000000000000000000000000000000 was aborted with status 0x0
Apr 22 19:04:43 restbase1015 kernel: [28439.256421] hpsa 0000:03:00.0: scsi 0:0:2:0 Aborting command ffff880c68bca4c0Tag:0x00000000:00000100 CDBLen: 10 CDB: 0x2a00... SN: 0x0  SENT, SUCCESS
Apr 22 19:04:44 restbase1015 kernel: [28440.163608] hpsa 0000:03:00.0: scsi 0:0:2:0 Aborting command ffff8803cd0e2340Tag:0x00000000:00000110 CDBLen: 10 CDB: 0x2a00... SN: 0x0  BEING SENT
Apr 22 19:04:44 restbase1015 kernel: [28440.163616] hpsa 0000:03:00.0: scsi 0:0:2:0: Aborting command Direct-Access     ATA      Samsung SSD 850  PHYS DRV SSDSmartPathCap- En- Exp=1
Apr 22 19:04:44 restbase1015 kernel: [28440.163701] hpsa 0000:03:00.0: CDB 00000000000000000000000000000000 was aborted with status 0x0
Apr 22 19:04:44 restbase1015 kernel: [28440.163727] hpsa 0000:03:00.0: scsi 0:0:2:0 Aborting command ffff8803cd0e2340Tag:0x00000000:00000110 CDBLen: 10 CDB: 0x2a00... SN: 0x0  SENT, SUCCESS
Apr 22 22:46:00 restbase1015 kernel: [41715.948785] perf interrupt took too long (10440 > 10000), lowering kernel.perf_event_max_sample_rate to 12500
Apr 23 01:38:15 restbase1015 kernel: [52050.854038] blk_update_request: I/O error, dev sdb, sector 0
Apr 23 01:55:08 restbase1015 kernel: [53063.795385] hpsa 0000:03:00.0: scsi 0:0:4:0 Aborting command ffff88203579d500Tag:0x00000000:000000d0 CDBLen: 10 CDB: 0x2a00... SN: 0x0  BEING SENT
Apr 23 01:55:08 restbase1015 kernel: [53063.795395] hpsa 0000:03:00.0: scsi 0:0:4:0: Aborting command Direct-Access     ATA      Samsung SSD 850  PHYS DRV SSDSmartPathCap- En- Exp=1
Apr 23 01:55:33 restbase1015 kernel: [53088.847859] hpsa 0000:03:00.0: CDB 00000000000000000000000000000000 was aborted with status 0x0
Apr 23 01:55:33 restbase1015 kernel: [53088.847886] hpsa 0000:03:00.0: scsi 0:0:4:0 Aborting command ffff88203579d500Tag:0x00000000:000000d0 CDBLen: 10 CDB: 0x2a00... SN: 0x0  SENT, FAILED
Apr 23 01:55:33 restbase1015 kernel: [53088.847899] hpsa 0000:03:00.0: scsi 0:0:4:0: FAILED to abort command Direct-Access     ATA      Samsung SSD 850  PHYS DRV SSDSmartPathCap- En- Exp=1
Apr 23 01:55:33 restbase1015 kernel: [53088.847912] hpsa 0000:03:00.0: scsi 0:0:4:0 Aborting command ffff88203579dc80Tag:0x00000000:000001e0 CDBLen: 10 CDB: 0x2a00... SN: 0x0  BEING SENT
Apr 23 01:55:33 restbase1015 kernel: [53088.847918] hpsa 0000:03:00.0: scsi 0:0:4:0: Aborting command Direct-Access     ATA      Samsung SSD 850  PHYS DRV SSDSmartPathCap- En- Exp=1
Apr 23 01:55:33 restbase1015 kernel: [53088.847965] hpsa 0000:03:00.0: scsi 0:0:4:0 Aborting command ffff88203579dc80Tag:0x00000000:000001e0 CDBLen: 10 CDB: 0x2a00... SN: 0x0  SENT, SUCCESS
Apr 23 01:55:33 restbase1015 kernel: [53088.858747] hpsa 0000:03:00.0: CDB 2a00008f5ab800000800000000000000 was aborted with status 0x0
Apr 23 01:55:33 restbase1015 kernel: [53088.864985] hpsa 0000:03:00.0: scsi 0:0:4:0: resetting physical  Direct-Access     ATA      Samsung SSD 850  PHYS DRV SSDSmartPathCap- En- Exp=1
Apr 23 01:55:33 restbase1015 kernel: [53088.865143] hpsa 0000:03:00.0: scsi 0:0:4:0: reset physical  completed successfully Direct-Access     ATA      Samsung SSD 850  PHYS DRV SSDSmartPathCap- En- Exp=1
Apr 23 06:25:01 restbase1015 kernel: [69256.427117] Process accounting resumed
Apr 23 07:54:40 restbase1015 kernel: [74635.335275] hpsa 0000:03:00.0: scsi 0:0:4:0 Aborting command ffff8810385c2340Tag:0x00000000:000001e0 CDBLen: 10 CDB: 0x2a00... SN: 0x0  BEING SENT
Apr 23 07:54:40 restbase1015 kernel: [74635.335280] hpsa 0000:03:00.0: scsi 0:0:4:0: Aborting command Direct-Access     ATA      Samsung SSD 850  PHYS DRV SSDSmartPathCap- En- Exp=1
Apr 23 07:55:17 restbase1015 kernel: [74672.983702] hpsa 0000:03:00.0: CDB 00000000000000000000000000000000 was aborted with status 0x0
Apr 23 07:55:17 restbase1015 kernel: [74672.983741] hpsa 0000:03:00.0: scsi 0:0:4:0 Aborting command ffff8810385c2340Tag:0x00000000:000001e0 CDBLen: 10 CDB: 0x2a00... SN: 0x0  SENT, FAILED
Apr 23 07:55:17 restbase1015 kernel: [74672.983749] hpsa 0000:03:00.0: scsi 0:0:4:0: FAILED to abort command Direct-Access     ATA      Samsung SSD 850  PHYS DRV SSDSmartPathCap- En- Exp=1
Apr 23 07:55:17 restbase1015 kernel: [74672.983760] hpsa 0000:03:00.0: scsi 0:0:4:0 Aborting command ffff880c687c53c0Tag:0x00000000:000000d0 CDBLen: 10 CDB: 0x2a00... SN: 0x0  BEING SENT
Apr 23 07:55:17 restbase1015 kernel: [74672.983765] hpsa 0000:03:00.0: scsi 0:0:4:0: Aborting command Direct-Access     ATA      Samsung SSD 850  PHYS DRV SSDSmartPathCap- En- Exp=1
Apr 23 07:55:17 restbase1015 kernel: [74672.983816] hpsa 0000:03:00.0: scsi 0:0:4:0 Aborting command ffff880c687c53c0Tag:0x00000000:000000d0 CDBLen: 10 CDB: 0x2a00... SN: 0x0  SENT, SUCCESS
Apr 23 07:55:17 restbase1015 kernel: [74672.999747] hpsa 0000:03:00.0: CDB 2a00008f5ab000001000000000000000 was aborted with status 0x0
Apr 23 07:55:17 restbase1015 kernel: [74672.999875] hpsa 0000:03:00.0: scsi 0:0:4:0: resetting physical  Direct-Access     ATA      Samsung SSD 850  PHYS DRV SSDSmartPathCap- En- Exp=1
Apr 23 07:55:17 restbase1015 kernel: [74673.000047] hpsa 0000:03:00.0: scsi 0:0:4:0: reset physical  completed successfully Direct-Access     ATA      Samsung SSD 850  PHYS DRV SSDSmartPathCap- En- Exp=1
Apr 23 18:32:56 restbase1015 kernel: [112930.483803] perf interrupt took too long (20259 > 20000), lowering kernel.perf_event_max_sample_rate to 6250
Apr 24 00:02:01 restbase1015 kernel: [132675.218667] hpsa 0000:03:00.0: scsi 0:0:2:0 Aborting command ffff8820369d2c40Tag:0x00000000:000000f0 CDBLen: 10 CDB: 0x2a08... SN: 0x0  BEING SENT
Apr 24 00:02:01 restbase1015 kernel: [132675.218677] hpsa 0000:03:00.0: scsi 0:0:2:0: Aborting command Direct-Access     ATA      Samsung SSD 850  PHYS DRV SSDSmartPathCap- En- Exp=1
Apr 24 00:02:01 restbase1015 kernel: [132675.218781] hpsa 0000:03:00.0: CDB 00000000000000000000000000000000 was aborted with status 0x0
Apr 24 00:02:01 restbase1015 kernel: [132675.218811] hpsa 0000:03:00.0: scsi 0:0:2:0 Aborting command ffff8820369d2c40Tag:0x00000000:000000f0 CDBLen: 10 CDB: 0x2a08... SN: 0x0  SENT, SUCCESS
Apr 24 00:02:01 restbase1015 kernel: [132675.218831] hpsa 0000:03:00.0: scsi 0:0:2:0 Aborting command ffff881a0bd4d340Tag:0x00000000:00000170 CDBLen: 10 CDB: 0x2a00... SN: 0x0  BEING SENT
Apr 24 00:02:01 restbase1015 kernel: [132675.218844] hpsa 0000:03:00.0: scsi 0:0:2:0: Aborting command Direct-Access     ATA      Samsung SSD 850  PHYS DRV SSDSmartPathCap- En- Exp=1
Apr 24 00:02:01 restbase1015 kernel: [132675.218912] hpsa 0000:03:00.0: CDB 00000000000000000000000000000000 was aborted with status 0x0
Apr 24 00:02:01 restbase1015 kernel: [132675.218925] hpsa 0000:03:00.0: scsi 0:0:2:0 Aborting command ffff881a0bd4d340Tag:0x00000000:00000170 CDBLen: 10 CDB: 0x2a00... SN: 0x0  SENT, SUCCESS
Apr 24 00:02:01 restbase1015 kernel: [132675.218935] hpsa 0000:03:00.0: scsi 0:0:2:0 Aborting command ffff882035730500Tag:0x00000000:00000160 CDBLen: 10 CDB: 0x2a00... SN: 0x0  BEING SENT
Apr 24 00:02:01 restbase1015 kernel: [132675.218939] hpsa 0000:03:00.0: scsi 0:0:2:0: Aborting command Direct-Access     ATA      Samsung SSD 850  PHYS DRV SSDSmartPathCap- En- Exp=1
Apr 24 00:02:01 restbase1015 kernel: [132675.218993] hpsa 0000:03:00.0: CDB 00000000000000000000000000000000 was aborted with status 0x0
Apr 24 00:02:01 restbase1015 kernel: [132675.219002] hpsa 0000:03:00.0: scsi 0:0:2:0 Aborting command ffff882035730500Tag:0x00000000:00000160 CDBLen: 10 CDB: 0x2a00... SN: 0x0  SENT, SUCCESS
Apr 24 00:02:06 restbase1015 kernel: [132680.210570] hpsa 0000:03:00.0: scsi 0:0:2:0 Aborting command ffff882038343040Tag:0x00000000:00000130 CDBLen: 10 CDB: 0x2a00... SN: 0x0  BEING SENT
Apr 24 00:02:06 restbase1015 kernel: [132680.210577] hpsa 0000:03:00.0: scsi 0:0:2:0: Aborting command Direct-Access     ATA      Samsung SSD 850  PHYS DRV SSDSmartPathCap- En- Exp=1
Apr 24 00:02:06 restbase1015 kernel: [132680.210662] hpsa 0000:03:00.0: CDB 00000000000000000000000000000000 was aborted with status 0x0
Apr 24 00:02:06 restbase1015 kernel: [132680.210690] hpsa 0000:03:00.0: scsi 0:0:2:0 Aborting command ffff882038343040Tag:0x00000000:00000130 CDBLen: 10 CDB: 0x2a00... SN: 0x0  SENT, SUCCESS
Apr 24 00:02:06 restbase1015 kernel: [132680.210708] hpsa 0000:03:00.0: scsi 0:0:2:0 Aborting command ffff882038343940Tag:0x00000000:00000120 CDBLen: 10 CDB: 0x2a00... SN: 0x0  BEING SENT
Apr 24 00:02:06 restbase1015 kernel: [132680.210721] hpsa 0000:03:00.0: scsi 0:0:2:0: Aborting command Direct-Access     ATA      Samsung SSD 850  PHYS DRV SSDSmartPathCap- En- Exp=1
Apr 24 00:02:06 restbase1015 kernel: [132680.210785] hpsa 0000:03:00.0: CDB 00000000000000000000000000000000 was aborted with status 0x0
Apr 24 00:02:06 restbase1015 kernel: [132680.210792] hpsa 0000:03:00.0: scsi 0:0:2:0 Aborting command ffff882038343940Tag:0x00000000:00000120 CDBLen: 10 CDB: 0x2a00... SN: 0x0  SENT, SUCCESS

the raid controller though is in HBA mode, not raid, which might be the reason for failures. I've saved the logs and will reconfigure the raid and reimage

Change 285420 had a related patch set uploaded (by Eevans):
cassandra: add restbase1015-b

Change 285420 merged by Filippo Giunchedi:
cassandra: add restbase1015-b

With the successful bootstrap of restbase1015-b, I believe this task is complete! :)