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create project for tickets related to "Google Search Console" (formerly 'Google Webmaster Tools')
Closed, DuplicatePublic


Historically there have been many tickets about access to the "Google Webmaster Tools" and doing things inside the GWT webui.

Nowadays it's called "Google Search Console"

per T109810#1572401 it's not really handled by Operations and it seems to be unclear what project these tasks should belong to.

suggesting to create a new project for them

type: component

name: google-search-console

additional hash tag google-webmaster-tools

description: tickets about access to the Google Search Console or things that require existing access

Event Timeline

I'd like the description to list people who have the relevant access and thus the responsibility to handle the tickets

Luke081515 triaged this task as Medium priority.
Luke081515 moved this task from Incoming to Projects to create on the Project-Admins board.
Luke081515 subscribed.

I would create this project, if we have added the data @Krenair mentioned to the description.

@Krenair compiling that list would be the first ticket i'd tag with this project :)

Who is able to find that information?

i checked. looks like the answer is: for

and swest@ wmoran@ abaso@ for

(it's a separate list for each "property", and not easy to list for all at once)

^^ is good enough for me since we don't have such a list for all projects

However, I'm also hesitant to list those people's names/email in the description of the project. I think simply subscribing them here and asking that they 'watch' the future project should be sufficient.

Discovery has its own account for Google Webmaster Tools (or whatever it's called now). That the email address you found. That said, Discovery are not the owners of Google Webmaster Tools, we merely have access to it in case we need it.

Alright, so the ticket is rejected i guess.

P.S. The point of creating this was that there is no owner for these, so that they can be tagged with something, but if we need owners to create a project and Discovery doesn't want to own it then there isn't much to do here.