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Unable to login to X!'s Tools
Closed, ResolvedPublic


If I open
and then click on "Log In" which points to
I'm redirected to something like
where I can click "Allow". At this point I get

Failed to initiate Authorization!
Returned error:
Error retrieving token: mwoauth-oauth-exception

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Matthewrbowker triaged this task as High priority.

I can't reproduce the error. If you see it again, feel free to re-open this task with more information.`

It is still happening, but I needed to click on the link a second time (because at first nothing changed after clicking allow: i.e. I was not logged in apparently).

Ah. I can explain that.

When we authorize oauth, we authorize it for "" This is due to the way that OAuth is configured. Therefore, the authorization doesn't exist for xtools-articleinfo. The second attempt is seen my MediaWiki as a repeat action, and is disallowed.

We are working to move everything back onto one domain, but that's still in progress sadly.

Do we even need OAuth anymore? I believe it was introduced for XEcho, and cross-wiki notifications are native now.

Do we even need OAuth anymore? I believe it was introduced for XEcho, and cross-wiki notifications are native now.

Yes, it's used on the edit counter. Users can view their own advanced statistics without opting in globally.

Matthewrbowker moved this task from Working to Working on the XTools board.
Matthewrbowker added a subscriber: Samwilson.

@MusikAnimal @Samwilson One of you put oauth into the new xtools. Could you verify that it's set up OK (AKA the callback url will work even if we wind up under different tools by T163283: Investigation: XTools routing )?

MusikAnimal claimed this task.
MusikAnimal moved this task from General / other to Complete on the XTools board.

Working in the new XTools