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Specific user cannot log into 'Exception encountered, of type "InvalidArgumentException"'
Closed, InvalidPublic


Curruenty url cann't open or not worked. error is 'Exception encountered, of type "InvalidArgumentException'.

Event Timeline

Danny_B lowered the priority of this task from High to Low.May 4 2016, 11:06 AM
Danny_B edited projects, added Traffic, SRE; removed Analytics-General-or-Unknown.
Danny_B subscribed.


@YmKavishwar Does it still not work for you?

still its not working. i have try to open my lapton and mobile both but its not work.

@Danny_B webise not open means its really need high priority.

Works for me.

good. still not working for me.

Dereckson raised the priority of this task from Low to Needs Triage.May 4 2016, 11:20 AM
Dereckson subscribed.

@YmKavishwar Could you copy/paste the full message of the errors you have?

@YmKavishwar Could you copy/paste the full message of the errors you have?

Exception encountered, of type "InvalidArgumentException"

its true not working only for me. after logout its acceced, after login its not acceced. iam only one contributer and local sysop here.

Ah, so there are other pre-conditions necessary to replicate...

Please provide as complete as possible description of what you have done right before it stopped working for you.
Also provide browser and OS with their versions.

i have try to internet explorer, chrome and UC Browser (on mobile). after logout its worked. no problem with other wikiproject. my mediawiki usernamne is YmKavishwar. this problem is starting Today. this problem is not related with browser but related with account. aslo Don't found any block log. u can see block log on local and meta. see sysop list on guwikiquote you can see my name in list. i don"t know what problem.

i have try to login this wiki with AWB but login failed. error mesage: you have provide ileage username.

@YmKavishwar If you got this error message, mediawiki should always show the stack trace. Can you post that too?

i have try to login this wiki with AWB but login failed. error mesage: you have provide ileage username.

Did you type your name manually or copy-pasted it?

i have try to login this wiki with AWB but login failed. error mesage: you have provide ileage username.

Did you type your name manually or copy-pasted it?

both but not working. aslo other wiki projects its worked.

I logged in with admin rights and it worked for me as well.

Can you please provide a screenshot of the problem?

Aklapper renamed this task from URL Do Not work to Specific user cannot log into 'Exception encountered, of type "InvalidArgumentException"'.May 4 2016, 12:24 PM
Aklapper edited projects, added WMF-General-or-Unknown; removed TestMe, SRE, Traffic.

maybe its problem related with this page ?
i have add a my username as a newuser mesaage editor. yesterday.

Yes, that is the problem. - Set the username of the user that makes the edits. If this user does not exist, "MediaWiki default" will show up as editing user. The user set here is marked as reserved and won't be able to login.

I logged in with admin rights and it worked for me as well.

so problem is only for this account.

Can you please provide a screenshot of the problem?

wait i will snd.

@YmKavishwar Message has been deleted, you should be able to log in again.

after deleted specific page. i have login successfully and its working :)
Thank you so much.

@YmKavishwar Message has been deleted, you should be able to log in again.

yes successfully login. thanks :)