Please Help me. I had changed my bot name. Error becomes as
502 Bad Gateway
Please Help me. I had changed my bot name. Error becomes as
Please provide basic information that allows reproducing the problem (old bot name; new bot name; how and where you log in) - see . Thanks!
I have had to restart all the notebooks due to some NFS issues. Re-logging in should work now. Apologies for the issues!
@Maathavan when I try to sign in now, I also get the 503. But if I perform a hard refresh of the page (shift + f5 or ctrl + f5) it seems to fix itself. Can you try that?
TamizhBOT's account was deleted. I already work with that account in Tamilwiki workshop. Its work.
மன்னிக்கவும், வேரு வெலை அதிகமாகி விட்டது.
Maathavanbot என்ற கணக்கை டெலீட் செய்து விட்டேன். இபோ டிரய் பன்னுன்க? அதன் பழ்ய பயனர் பெயர் என்ன?
Hey Yuvi, Seems the account TamizhBOT got globally renamed to Maathavanbot. So after the rename, it seems he is not able to login to Maathavanbot. TamizhBOT OAuth Preference might get copied to Maathavanbot and it might be breaking something?
btw தமிழ்ல தட்டச்சு பண்ண ரொம்ப கஷ்டப் பட்டிருப்பீங்க போல? :P
One month later:
@yuvipanda, @Maathavan, any news here?
And who should this be assigned to?
Well, looks like that particular user account still can not log in, and I haven't had time to look into it yet. I'm on vacation for a week now, so maybe I can look at it after?
@Aklapper As no commits was pushed on on Github since many months, I suppose that this issue is not resolved right now.
@yuvipanda Are you agree if we merge T135306: HTTP 502 Bad Gateway error when trying to log into my bot in JUPYTER as duplicate with this task ? I suppose that they come from the same problem, because of username change.
Not only by me, few others too, Still facing the issue as mentioned below