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Set up a private Phabricator Space / project for formal collaboration review ("Research-collaborations")
Closed, ResolvedPublic


As discussed, we want to:

  1. move our collaboration request review from Trello to a private space in Phab
  2. merge collabo review with our regular backlog grooming process

@ggellerman, I'm assigning this to you, let's sit down and set this up some time this week.

Event Timeline

What sort of tasks would go into such a private space, if one were created?

@ggellerman: any update on this? I have plenty of collab-related work that I am still tracking by email, the sooner this board materializes the better.

@Krenair: sorry, missed your comment. This will be for tasks related to endorsements for proposals under evaluation for funding, discussions on research-related NSA requests, as well as less sensitive stuff.

@Krenair: sorry, missed your comment. This will be for tasks related to endorsements for proposals under evaluation for funding, discussions on research-related NSA requests, as well as less sensitive stuff.

I don't think less sensitive stuff would be eligible for a private space, I'm not sure about endorsements for proposals under evaluation for funding. Is discussions on research-related NSA requests what I think it is?

+ @Project-Admins

Can we use this task to request the private Space that @DarTar describes in this task's description?

I'd guess so, if someone provided all required data and adjusted the task summary.
See for what's needed.

(And I guess when you write "board" you mean "Phabricator workboard" which means: project.)

@DarTar Please help me with the project description and suggested name for the project. It looks like that is what we are missing.

@Aklapper Please indicate if there is anything else we need to provide

@DarTar I need your help with most of the missing information. Could you please help fill it in? Thanks!

Project type: ...
Name: ...
Optional hashtags: ...
Project description: ...
Visible To: ...
Editable By: ...
Joinable By: ...

Aklapper renamed this task from Set up a private board for formal collaboration review to Set up a private Phabricator Space / project for formal collaboration review.Jul 6 2016, 9:38 AM

@DarTar I need your help with most of the missing information. Could you please help fill it in? Thanks!

Project type:




Optional hashtags:


Project description:

This is a private board used by the Research team for reviewing incoming requests for research collaboration, subject to the WMF open access policy. The board is private because some of these proposals involve a review of private data access requests by the Legal and Security teams or grant proposals that are not yet publicly submitted by the proponents.

Visible To:

A fixed list of usernames will be provided

Editable By:

@DarTar and @ggellerman

Joinable By:

nobody automatically

! In T135458#2396744, @Krenair wrote:
Is discussions on research-related NSA requests what I think it is?

no, that's a typo. I meant NDA

So it seems this needs both a (private) Space and a Project.
Public and private tasks will be in the Project. In addition, private tasks will be in the Space (in order to restrict access).

Hence the "Visible To" settings are already covered by the "Editable By" settings.

Aklapper renamed this task from Set up a private Phabricator Space / project for formal collaboration review to Set up a private Phabricator Space / project for formal collaboration review ("Research-collaborations").Jul 12 2016, 10:28 AM
Aklapper claimed this task.
Aklapper triaged this task as Medium priority.

Thanks @Aklapper, all clear from your instructions.