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[Spike] Explore issues with enwiki articlequality model
Open, LowPublicSpike



It looks like the model is bad at predicting the quality of lists. It also looks like some articles have a bunch of content and references that come in via transclusion. This seems to be common for articles about TV series that use tables extensively. We may be able to ask the Wikipedia API for a parsed version of the page so that we can circumvent issues with tranclusions that bring substantial content and references.

This task is done when an exploration of these issues is completed and documented in the comments of this task and new tasks are filed for next steps.

Event Timeline

@Ladsgroup suggested that we look into using parsoid output.

Halfak triaged this task as Low priority.Jul 5 2016, 2:30 PM
awight renamed this task from [Spike] Explore issues with enwiki wp10 model to [Spike] Explore issues with enwiki articlequality model.Sep 26 2018, 6:42 PM
Restricted Application changed the subtype of this task from "Task" to "Spike". · View Herald TranscriptSep 23 2020, 4:40 PM