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phabricator is not allowing you to be logged out to view phabricator
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Steps to reproduce

Actual results

  • It brings up the log in screen instead of showing the dashbored for phabricator.

Expected results

  • It should show the phabricator dashbored without having to log in.

Event Timeline

Paladox triaged this task as Unbreak Now! priority.Jun 2 2016, 11:04 AM

Changing to ubreak since I just wanted to quickly do something without having to log in. Please change status if I'm wrong to have it as unbreak.

Seems going to so it may be someone changed permission on one of the dashbored's things.

Aklapper claimed this task.

Argh. I am very sorry. Fixed now.

My own stupidity - default for new panels is "Visible To: All Users" instead of "Public" and I didn't double-check that when I created the CoC heads-up panel (which was proposed in ) and added it to the default frontpage dashboard. Grmpf...

@Aklapper it's ok. I carn't remember the task for allowing us to describe different user policy for dashbored without affecting logged out users. Maybe that should be given I high priority.