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SI-units is translated with capital letters between Nynorsk and Bokmål
Closed, DeclinedPublic


Given that I have opened an article for translation in CT
And that the source language is Nynorsk
And the target language is Bokmål
And I have a text fragment with SI-units
When I translate the text in ContentTranslation
Then the SI-units shall be kept in same case


"Innsjøen er kring 6,5 km lang og 2,5 km brei, med eit areal på 11,4 km<sup>2</sup>, og ei største djupne på 169 m."


"Innsjøen er rundt 6,5 KM lang og 2,5 KM bred, med et areal på 11,4 KM2, og en største djupne på 169 m."

The SI-units is translated into capital letters, which is wrong. Usually the SI-units should not be translated

There are other errors in the text fragments, but note that "6,5 km" becomes "6,5 KM".

Event Timeline

Amire80 renamed this task from SI-units is translated with capital letters to SI-units is translated with capital letters betweek Nynorsk and Bokmål.Jun 19 2016, 12:22 PM
Amire80 triaged this task as Medium priority.
Amire80 added a project: OKR-Work.
Amire80 moved this task from Needs Triage to Bugs on the ContentTranslation board.
Amire80 added a subscriber: TinoDidriksen.
Amire80 renamed this task from SI-units is translated with capital letters betweek Nynorsk and Bokmål to SI-units is translated with capital letters between Nynorsk and Bokmål.Jun 19 2016, 9:07 PM

both svn and apertium-nno-nob-1.1.0 give

$ echo "Innsjøen er kring 6,5 km lang og 2,5 km brei, med eit areal på 11,4 km<sup>2</sup>, og ei største djupne på 169 m."|apertium -d . nno-nob
Innsjøen er rundt 6,5 km lang og 2,5 km bred, med et areal på 11,4 km<sup>2</sup>, og en største djupne på 169 m.

so I think this bug might be mediawiki-side.

(Though nno-nob should probably translate the real-word-error 'djupne' as if it were the noun 'djupn'.)

Pginer-WMF closed this task as Declined.EditedJun 24 2019, 2:36 PM
Pginer-WMF subscribed.

Content translation integrates external translation services for users to choose from (and correct when the translaiton is not accurate) or start from scratch. These provide translations that are not always accurate and users are expected to modify them. The tool exposes user corrections for those in charge of the services to improve them, but content translation just integrates the translations those provide without providing special support for particular words on specific language pairs. There is a related ticket to prevent repeated corrections as a more general solution (T96165).