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Gadget related namespaces aren't translated into Dutch
Closed, ResolvedPublic


When you go to the namespaces: Gadget, Gadget talk, Gadget definition and Gadget definition talk aren't translated. It's reported here. They should be: Extensies, Overleg extensies, Extensie definitie and Overleg extensie definitie.
Can someone translate it or tell me where I can find the code so I can do it myself?

Event Timeline

Thanks for reporting this! is the file to add an 'nl' translation to. If you are interested in providing a patch in Gerrit, see for more information.

Also seems to have relevant info for those who want to write a patch.

Change 295957 had a related patch set uploaded (by Mbch331):
Added Dutch translation

NS_GADGET_DEFINITION_TALK => 'Extensie_definities',

I think 'Overleg' is missing there?

NS_GADGET_DEFINITION_TALK => 'Extensie_definities',

I think 'Overleg' is missing there?

You're right Akoopal. Just submitted a new patch, fixing that error.

Change 295957 merged by jenkins-bot:
Added Dutch translation