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Midterm evaluation for "Port to pywikibot-core"
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Midterm evaluations for GSoC are on. All students and mentors must submit their evaluation on before 27th June 2016 19:00 UTC. Please note that only one mentor needs to evaluate each student, not both.

If you have any concerns regarding your project/student which you do not wish to discuss on Phabricator, feel free to reach out to me or @01tonythomas directly.

Please complete the following in order to evaluate your student:

  • Mid-term goals as outlined in the project timeline are complete
  • MVP is completed and hosted on Labs/elsewhere
  • Weekly reports are up-to-date and complete
  • The student is in regular touch with mentors

Additional comments:

  • some minor parts are up to be finished, on the other hand we got already stuff that is ahead project plan (e.g. improved Graphics Detection)


Event Timeline

I see that the evaluation for this project has already been submitted, but this is just a tracking task which had to be created.

jayvdb updated the task description. (Show Details)

I've ticked two of the boxes; I'll let DrTrigon sign off on the other two, which are the functionality side of things.

DrTrigon updated the task description. (Show Details)