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Rename "abandon" button to something less confusing
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On the labeling page there are two buttons: Abandon and Save. It is very unclear what Abandon does; it sounds like abandoning the workset.

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Halfak subscribed.

Not sure about "Skip", but generally I agree that "Abandon" isn't the best language. Maybe we could be explicit about "Skip task" or "Abandon task".

Halfak triaged this task as Low priority.Nov 3 2016, 2:17 PM

That would work as long users understand what a task is (which I am not sure about). "Skip diff" would work well, assuming all tasks are diffs (and that the typical user is at least somewhat experienced and familiar with the wiki vocabulary).

All tasks are *not* diffs, so we can't be so specific.

Halfak renamed this task from "Abandon" button is confusing to Rename "abandon" button to something less confusing.Nov 10 2016, 3:09 PM
Halfak updated the task description. (Show Details)

Adding Contributors-UX-Research because it seems we're speculating about the problem and a good solution. I wonder if we could just ask some users.

Resolved already. Reopen if im incorrect