Machine list:
- es2011
- es2012
- es2013
- es2014
- es2015
- es2016
- es2017
- es2018
- es2019
- pc2004
- pc2005
- pc2006
Machine list:
Mentioned in SAL [2016-07-14T14:48:05Z] <jynus> shutting down es2011, es2012, es2013 for hardware maintenance T139714
Mentioned in SAL [2016-07-14T15:08:49Z] <jynus> shutting down es2014, es2015, es2016 for hardware maintenance T139714
Mentioned in SAL [2016-07-14T15:40:45Z] <jynus> shutting down es2018, pc2004, es2005 for hardware maintenance T139714
I will check the logs and then close this if I do not see anything strange.
We will reopen this or one of its child tasks if a crash happens.
Everthings seems ok at the random servers I checked, it sayst bios upgrade, then no strange logs.