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Add a "dismiss" button to compact language links
Closed, DeclinedPublic


Some users are very opinionated about CLL, and if possible it could be a solution to be able to completly dismiss the solution altogether. If so I think it should be done on a session basis, as several people can use the same machine. Something like

Given I have a CLL-list I can't use
And I open the dialog
When I click "dismiss" (or whatever it should be called)
Then the dialog closes and the compact list feature terminates

Note that I have no opinion whether this additional feature should be made, it is only described as a possible solution to on-going discussions at nowiki.

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Restricted Application added subscribers: Zppix, Aklapper. · View Herald Transcript

You don't dismiss the dialog in this case, you turn on the functionality it replaces. The button to open the dialog must be retained, otherwise you can't turn the functionality back on if the on/off switch for the functionality is inside the dialog.

Because it isn't a dismiss fir the dialog it should not be an x in upper right, that would be wrong and probably very confusing.

I wonder if a more, all, less, small link-sequence in the sidebar would be better. It is really two links shown at the same time, initially just more. Then you click more one time, and it shows less and more. Click more once more and it shows less and all. If you click the final all then the effect will be the same as to turn off the CLL.

One common argument seems to be that users have a somewhat large number of frequently visited languages.

jeblad triaged this task as Lowest priority.Apr 13 2017, 7:31 PM

Nothing is happening to this, closing as declined.