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cx-dashboard-sidebar-information link is not configurable
Open, Needs TriagePublic


[someone in hewiki Administrator requests asked for...]
The link for "Know more about this feature" of Content Translation dashboard is hard-coded.
This result in:

  1. Wrong link (links to redirect instead of the target link)
  2. It isn't possible to config it to a language specific - e.g link to instead of

Copying from the dupe T142327:

  • There is already the customizable message cx-descriptionpagelink, and it can be reused.
  • This is also needed for the link in the beta feature description.

Event Timeline

Amire80 renamed this task from cx-dashboard-sidebar-information link is not configable to cx-dashboard-sidebar-information link is not configurable.Aug 9 2016, 8:59 PM