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post build failures for operations/puppet on operations-puppet-doc
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Upstream bug:

I noticed on 2016-08-15, the post build process is successful. Example:

The on 2016-08-16, the post build for patches fails. Example:

It seems it is the same failure for all patchsets in operations/puppet. This doesn't affect our use, but it doesn't update our puppet documentation anymore, since it fails.

22:26:11 + /usr/bin/puppet doc --mode rdoc --outputdir /mnt/jenkins-workspace/workspace/operations-puppet-doc/doc --modulepath modules --manifestdir manifests
22:26:15 Warning: Unrecognised escape sequence '\;' in file /mnt/jenkins-workspace/workspace/operations-puppet-doc/src/modules/mailman/manifests/cron.pp at line 6
22:26:15 Warning: Deprecation notice:  Resource references should now be capitalized on line 122 in file /mnt/jenkins-workspace/workspace/operations-puppet-doc/src/modules/statistics/manifests/wmde.pp
22:26:17 Warning: You cannot collect without storeconfigs being set on line 80 in file /mnt/jenkins-workspace/workspace/operations-puppet-doc/src/modules/ssh/manifests/server.pp
22:26:19 Warning: Unrecognised escape sequence '\?' in file /mnt/jenkins-workspace/workspace/operations-puppet-doc/src/modules/dataset/manifests/cron/wikitech_dumps.pp at line 27
22:27:32 Warning: You cannot collect without storeconfigs being set on line 84 in file /mnt/jenkins-workspace/workspace/operations-puppet-doc/src/modules/openstack/manifests/nova/compute.pp
22:27:32 Warning: You cannot collect exported resources without storeconfigs being set; the collection will be ignored on line 87 in file /mnt/jenkins-workspace/workspace/operations-puppet-doc/src/modules/openstack/manifests/nova/compute.pp
22:27:33 Before reporting this, could you check that the file you're documenting
22:27:33 has proper syntax:
22:27:33   /usr/bin/ruby1.9.1 -c /mnt/jenkins-workspace/workspace/operations-puppet-doc/src/modules/puppetdbquery/bin/find-nodes
22:27:33 RDoc is not a full Ruby parser and will fail when fed invalid ruby programs.
22:27:33 The internal error was:
22:27:33 	(Errno::ENOENT) No such file or directory - dummy.rb
22:27:33 Error: Could not generate documentation: No such file or directory - dummy.rb
22:27:33 Build step 'Execute shell' marked build as failure
22:27:33 Finished: FAILURE

Event Timeline

It looks like the rdoc parser hates something about the modules/puppetdbquery/bin/find-nodes file introduced in rOPUPb1492be. That whole module is marked as being excluded from rubocop linting and appears to come from an upstream source.

FWIW, I don't get that failure when I run bundle exec rake doc locally:

$ bundle exec rake doc
Running puppet doc --mode rdoc --all --manifestdir manifests --modulepath modules
Warning: You cannot collect without storeconfigs being set on line 80 in file /Users/bd808/projects/wmf/operations/puppet/modules/bacula/manifests/client.pp
Warning: You cannot collect without storeconfigs being set on line 44 in file /Users/bd808/projects/wmf/operations/puppet/modules/bacula/manifests/client/job.pp
Warning: You cannot collect exported resources without storeconfigs being set; the collection will be ignored on line 27 in file /Users/bd808/projects/wmf/operations/puppet/modules/bacula/manifests/console.pp
Warning: You cannot collect exported resources without storeconfigs being set; the collection will be ignored on line 45 in file /Users/bd808/projects/wmf/operations/puppet/modules/bacula/manifests/director.pp
Warning: You cannot collect exported resources without storeconfigs being set; the collection will be ignored on line 50 in file /Users/bd808/projects/wmf/operations/puppet/modules/bacula/manifests/director.pp
Warning: You cannot collect without storeconfigs being set on line 141 in file /Users/bd808/projects/wmf/operations/puppet/modules/bacula/manifests/director.pp
Warning: You cannot collect without storeconfigs being set on line 65 in file /Users/bd808/projects/wmf/operations/puppet/modules/bacula/manifests/storage/device.pp
Warning: Unrecognised escape sequence '\.' in file /Users/bd808/projects/wmf/operations/puppet/modules/confluent/manifests/kafka/mirror/alerts.pp at line 23
Warning: Unrecognised escape sequence '\?' in file /Users/bd808/projects/wmf/operations/puppet/modules/dataset/manifests/cron/wikitech_dumps.pp at line 27
Warning: You cannot collect without storeconfigs being set on line 25 in file /Users/bd808/projects/wmf/operations/puppet/modules/ganglia/manifests/monitor.pp
Warning: Unrecognised escape sequence '\;' in file /Users/bd808/projects/wmf/operations/puppet/modules/mailman/manifests/cron.pp at line 6
Warning: You cannot collect without storeconfigs being set on line 49 in file /Users/bd808/projects/wmf/operations/puppet/modules/monitoring/manifests/host.pp
Warning: You cannot collect without storeconfigs being set on line 67 in file /Users/bd808/projects/wmf/operations/puppet/modules/monitoring/manifests/host.pp
Warning: You cannot collect without storeconfigs being set on line 94 in file /Users/bd808/projects/wmf/operations/puppet/modules/monitoring/manifests/service.pp
Warning: You cannot collect without storeconfigs being set on line 84 in file /Users/bd808/projects/wmf/operations/puppet/modules/openstack/manifests/nova/compute.pp
Warning: You cannot collect exported resources without storeconfigs being set; the collection will be ignored on line 87 in file /Users/bd808/projects/wmf/operations/puppet/modules/openstack/manifests/nova/compute.pp
Warning: Unrecognised escape sequence '\.' in file /Users/bd808/projects/wmf/operations/puppet/modules/role/manifests/kafka/main/mirror.pp at line 47
Warning: You cannot collect without storeconfigs being set on line 80 in file /Users/bd808/projects/wmf/operations/puppet/modules/ssh/manifests/server.pp
Warning: Deprecation notice:  Resource references should now be capitalized on line 122 in file /Users/bd808/projects/wmf/operations/puppet/modules/statistics/manifests/wmde.pp
Warning: tag is a metaparam; this value will inherit to all contained resources in the toollabs::kubebuilder definition
Error: Could not generate documentation: error generating /Users/bd808/projects/wmf/operations/puppet/doc/modules/cassandra/manifests/sysctl_pp.html: Error while evaluating /Users/bd808/.rbenv/versions/2.1.3/lib/ruby/2.1.0/rdoc/generator/template/darkfish/page.rhtml: undefined method `intern' for []:Array (RDoc::Error)
$ echo $?
$ bundle exec ruby --version
ruby 2.1.3p242 (2014-09-19 revision 47630) [x86_64-darwin12.0]

It appears that was a change from @Joe, so looping him onto this task.

This upstream bug seems related -- puppet doc passes files to rdoc too agressively. Sadly open for 2 years with no activity at all.

Maybe @hashar or @zeljkofilipin can take a look and figure out how to run under a different ruby or exclude the file that puppet doc hates from being processed?

Yep, i noticed this too in operations/puppet.

The issue seems to be the "Could not generate documentation: No such file or directory - dummy.rb" part.

Thanks for the task. It is due to what Bryan said: puppet doc passes files to rdoc too agressively.

The issue is due to modules/puppetdbquery/bin/find-nodes which is passed to rdoc but that puppet rdoc fails to load.

I have no idea how to fix it. A lame way would be to have the Jenkins job to just rm -fR modules/*/bin

Change 307654 had a related patch set uploaded (by Paladox):
Add rm -fR "$WORKSPACE/modules/*/bin" to jenkins job operations-puppet-doc

hashar triaged this task as High priority.Sep 3 2016, 12:23 PM

@hashar the fix you wrote in T143233#2580487 I uploaded it to waiting for a review?

It will hopefully fix the problem.

Puppet has a blacklist of files pattern to not pass to rdoc:


# specify our own format & where to output
options = [ "--fmt", "puppet",
            "--exclude", "/modules/[^/]*/spec/.*$",
            "--exclude", "/modules/[^/]*/files/.*$",
            "--exclude", "/modules/[^/]*/tests/.*$",
            "--exclude", "/modules/[^/]*/templates/.*$",
            "--op", outputdir ]

rdoc supports env variable RDOCOPT to pass extra options, so potentially we could use:


Not sure whether it will merge the settings from the env variables with the other settings though.

I cant build the doc on my local machine for now :(

I have manually hacked the Jenkins job via the web UI to add RDOCOPT='--exclude=/modules/[^/]*/bin/.*$' and --trace.

The doc has build in roughly 4 minutes


Needs to check whether the env var ends up overridding the --excludes which are build-in puppet. I guess if we see doc for spec/files/tests/templates, that is not good.

Need to update the JJB definition.

Change 309327 had a related patch set uploaded (by Paladox):
Add env params['RDOCOPT'] = '--exclude=/modules/[^/]*/bin/.*$'

Change 309328 had a related patch set (by Paladox) published:
Also add --exclude=/modules/[^/]*/bin/.*$ to the rdoc

Looks like previously it took several minutes to build anyway:*

#256038 min 7 secintegration-slave-trusty-1001
#256026 min 24 secintegration-slave-trusty-1016
#256017 min 42 secintegration-slave-trusty-1001
#256006 min 50 secintegration-slave-trusty-1017
#255997 min 40 secintegration-slave-trusty-1001
#255986 min 36 secintegration-slave-trusty-1018
#255976 min 35 secintegration-slave-trusty-1012

Change 309328 abandoned by Paladox:
Also add --exclude=/modules/[^/]*/bin/.*$ to the rdoc

Change 309332 had a related patch set uploaded (by Hashar):
Puppet doc now ignore /bin files

hashar claimed this task.

I have updated the job in JJB and refreshed it

Seems the hack is working. I have also made it to pass to puppet --trace which might help in case miserably fail for some random reason.

Re opening per @hashar it seems that when you click on for example

it shows

The requested URL /mnt/jenkins-workspace/workspace/operations-puppet-doc/src/modules/admin/README.html was not found on this server.

And it happends for the other files too.

Change 307654 abandoned by Hashar:
Add rm -fR "$WORKSPACE/modules/*/bin" to jenkins job operations-puppet-doc

Fixed differently by making puppet doc to ignore bin dirs

Change 309327 abandoned by Hashar:
Add env params['RDOCOPT'] = '--exclude=/modules/[^/]*/bin/.*$'

Fixed differently

Change 309332 merged by jenkins-bot:
Puppet doc now deletes bin directories

Change 319665 had a related patch set uploaded (by Hashar):
Stop generating puppet doc on each change

Change 319665 merged by jenkins-bot:
Stop generating puppet doc on each change

The operations-puppet-doc no more triggers after a change is merged, it was simply too long and consumed instances. I have made it to poll the git repository hourly and generate the doc.

Now looking at the last build , it fails:

Error: Could not generate documentation: error generating /home/jenkins/workspace/operations-puppet-doc/doc/modules/cassandra/manifests/twcs_pp.html: Error while evaluating /usr/lib/ruby/2.1.0/rdoc/generator/template/darkfish/page.rhtml: undefined method `intern' for []:Array (RDoc::Error)

And I cannot reproduce locally.

There is also an oddity that has rdoc use the absolute filepath when generating the href links :(

Change 309561 had a related patch set uploaded (by Hashar):
Puppet doc with strings/yard

Early September I looked at puppet-strings which is supposedly a replacement for puppet doc command. I gave it a few try in a draft change, and finally this evening all the bits connected :] lets one generate documentation for ALL pp files using yard for documentation generation. It is arguably much better.

Once happy with the change, we will have to adjust configuration to use bundle exec rake doc.

Change 330390 had a related patch set uploaded (by Hashar):
build: bump bundler puppet version 3.4 -> 3.7

Change 330390 merged by Alexandros Kosiaris:
build: bump bundler puppet version 3.4 -> 3.7

Change 330415 had a related patch set uploaded (by Hashar):
Switch ops/puppet doc to rake doc

Change 330423 had a related patch set uploaded (by Hashar):
Drop link to puppet source

Change 309561 merged by Filippo Giunchedi:
Puppet doc with strings/yard

Change 330415 merged by jenkins-bot:
Switch ops/puppet doc to rake doc

Mentioned in SAL (#wikimedia-releng) [2017-01-05T17:20:52Z] <hashar> Dropping puppet source from . contint1001: sudo rm -fR /srv/org/wikimedia/doc/puppetsource (T143233)

Change 330423 merged by jenkins-bot:
Drop link to puppet source

I got rid of puppet rdoc entirely. We are now using puppet-strings and yard. End result can be seen at

The job poll the git repo on an hourly basis and spurt the doc automagically. \O/