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Investigate how many pages may be relevant for the page protection wish
Closed, ResolvedPublic


The 2015 German-speaking community wishlist survey contains the following wish: T142209: Semi-protected pages that were fully protected should automatically return to previous state (#7)
A current hypothesis is, that the wish is only meant for pages with an indefinite protection status that change their protection level temporarily.
If that was so, how many pages would actually be relevant for the wish?

Please find out, how many existing pages (i.e. page-id != 0) on de-wiki currently have a protection status that is indefinite?
Please seperate by protection status.

Event Timeline

mysql:research@analytics-store.eqiad.wmnet [dewiki]> select pr_type, pr_level, count(*) from page_restrictions where pr_page != 0 and pr_expiry = 'infinity' GROUP BY pr_type, pr_level;
| pr_type | pr_level            | count(*) |
| edit    | autoconfirmed       |    22269 |
| edit    | editeditorprotected |      369 |
| edit    | sysop               |    93948 |
| move    | autoconfirmed       |    21868 |
| move    | editeditorprotected |      317 |
| move    | sysop               |    94566 |
| upload  | autoconfirmed       |        3 |
| upload  | sysop               |       10 |
8 rows in set (0.61 sec)