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decom titanium
Closed, ResolvedPublic


host "titanium" used to host and has now been replaced by meitnerium.

decom this precise host (incl. data center work)

Event Timeline

Change 310596 had a related patch set uploaded (by Dzahn):
archiva/site: remove titanium, fix role syntax

Change 310597 had a related patch set uploaded (by Dzahn):
install_server: remove host titanium

Change 310596 merged by Dzahn:
archiva/site: remove titanium, fix role syntax

Change 310597 merged by Dzahn:
install_server: remove host titanium

Change 310599 had a related patch set uploaded (by Dzahn):

Dzahn removed Dzahn as the assignee of this task.Sep 14 2016, 6:14 PM

removing from pupet, preparing the decom, will wait another couple days or so before physical shutdown and removal from DNS

11:33 < mutante> !log titanium - stop salt, stop puppet, revoke puppet cert, delete salt key

I shut it down now.. gone from Icinga.. and give it one more week before we wipe the disks.

:O :) Thank you for everybody’s help on this!

Change 310599 merged by Dzahn:

alright, handing it over to ops-eqiad now.

the server has been shutdown, public IP removed from DNS, removed from puppet/icinga etc.

please go ahead with physical decom steps, disk wipe, remove from rack, racktables etc.. thank you

Dzahn removed Dzahn as the assignee of this task.Sep 22 2016, 6:01 PM

location: eqiad row B, B4 @ 13

Cmjohnson claimed this task.
Cmjohnson subscribed.

diisks wiped and removed from rack