The second point in this task was really its own task (T150298) so I've repurposed it to concentrate on the first, expanding a bit broader.
Partners should have a status that can be set to Available, Waitlist, and Not Available.
- Available would set up a partner as it behaves currently.
- Waitlist behaves as below (applications can be approved for when accounts are available.
- Not available hides the partner from the view of users and will be useful when partnerships end or we want to add partners without immediately announcing them.
Old description:
We may sometimes be happy to approve applications but not have any available credentials to hand out. In this case it should be possible to set a WAITLIST status on an Application. This has several UI implications:
- there should be a page where editors can review WAITLISTed applications and update them to APPROVED
- the page where coordinators copy/paste information to send to publishers may need a select option - right now you can mark all as sent or none as sent, which will be a problem if there are N applications approved but only K credentials and K < N - so coordinators may need to be able to select and mark as sent only a subset of applications
Also there will need to be additional tests covering transitions in and out of WAITLIST, e.g.