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Commons on Upload File page shows "or" without a second option
Closed, DuplicatePublic


On the Upload File page on Commons, there is an "Or" text below the Select media file to share button and below, there is an "Or" text which I thought below will be an alternative way to share the media files but I didn't find anything below the "Or".

I am using a Mac Book Pro 13" and running Mac OS X El Capitan with a Google Chrome browser? Is the "Or" text written there intentionally with no text or option or button below it or is this a bug? Below is a snap shot of this scenario.

commons-bug.png (629×1 px, 114 KB)

Event Timeline

Change 317013 had a related patch set uploaded (by Paladox):
Fix a weird ghost "or" for non-Flickr users

@Paladox, So it has been fixed but changes have not been deployed yet?

@Paladox, thanks for closing the task and marking it as duplicate. Hoping to see the changes deployed :)

Ok, it's been added to deployments for tonight :).

Change 317013 merged by jenkins-bot:
Fix a weird ghost "or" for non-Flickr users

Aklapper renamed this task from Commons bug on Upload File page to Commons on Upload File page shows "or" without a second option.Oct 20 2016, 11:26 PM

I'm only going to be "that guy" on this task because I just can't pass on the irony of only having to go back a few days in the UploadWizard phabricator feed to find this perfect example, but I'm sure I would find more if I dug further.

This comment on the changeset commit message just about sums it up:

"missed in the tests because I usually have that option turned on..."

This regression bug is the poster child of the consequences of abandoning a very complete set of browser tests. One small bug at a time, you're perpetuating the feeling that the software is buggy to users. And you will keep missing things like this because there's only so much you're going to cover by testing manually, with your own settings. The browser tests that have been deleted had coverage for testing with and without flickr upload rights.

See T94161 for context about why I bring this up.

I think your comment is very unfair and mostly untrue. I replied further on T94161.