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silver: / partition low on space
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The / partition of silver is low on space (90% used as of now).

The partition is rather small, 9.1G and /var/log is 2.5G, with the larger directories being:

843M	account
830M	apache2
395M	atop
350M	upstart

Event Timeline

In addition to the directories outlined in the description /usr/share/texlive appears to be large as well. Is texlive required for this system?

1.3G	/usr/share/texlive

In addition to the directories outlined in the description /usr/share/texlive appears to be large as well. Is texlive required for this system?

1.3G	/usr/share/texlive

I asked the same some weeks ago. Apparently yes, its used to render some stuff of mediawiki? I don't really know.

In addition to the directories outlined in the description /usr/share/texlive appears to be large as well. Is texlive required for this system?

1.3G	/usr/share/texlive

I asked the same some weeks ago. Apparently yes, its used to render some stuff of mediawiki? I don't really know.

The LaTeX fonts are used by which is installed on Wikitech. The fonts themselves are installed by ::mediawiki::packages::tex which is included by ::mediawiki::packages which is included by ::mediawiki.

Silver will be replaced soon™ (T168470: Setup wikitech, horizon, and striker on new labweb hardware).

Andrew claimed this task.
Andrew subscribed.

This should be moot as Silver is no longer doing important things.