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Greek letters are not shown correctly in search results
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The android app shows greek letter 'μ' as 'M' in search results. I guess this is the case for other greek letters also. This might mislead users as they might misinterpret the article title.

Steps to reproduce

  1. Search general recursive in the app

Expected behaviour
The first result is shown as μ-recursive function

Actual behaviour
The first result is shown as M-recursive function

Screen shots

Mu shown as M.png (960×540 px, 79 KB)

Mu shown as M-1.png (960×540 px, 126 KB)

Event Timeline

Dbrant subscribed.

This is not specific to the Android app. This is an issue for the general Search interface.

debt triaged this task as Low priority.Jun 8 2017, 5:10 PM
debt added a project: Discovery-ARCHIVED.
debt moved this task from needs triage to This Quarter on the Discovery-Search board.
debt subscribed.

The page title shown on the screen is being shown correctly - but it looks like there is something going on in the wikitext that is causing this.