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Decrease heavy (800) font weight in SocialProfile modules to 700
Open, Needs TriagePublic


800 is simply too heavy - decreasing it a notch to around 700 will increase readability.

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Restricted Application added a subscriber: TerraCodes. · View Herald Transcript

Will do this later today once I have access to a laptop :)

Change 332012 had a related patch set uploaded (by SamanthaNguyen):
Decrease heavy (800) font-weight to 700 for readability

Change 332012 abandoned by SamanthaNguyen:
Decrease heavy (800) font-weight to 700 for readability

While I appreciate the 1 here, I'm not interested in working on this at least specifically right now; I want to get back to this someday but I'm currently more invested in other things.

At some point when I do I decide to come back to this, I'll restore the patch and rebase. But for now, it's going to be indefinitely abandoned. I'm currently in the process of clearing my backlog of open patches.

Change 502215 had a related patch set uploaded (by Nikitrain; owner: Nikitrain):
[mediawiki/extensions/SocialProfile@master] Change font-weight from 800 to 700 for consistency with other modules and better readability.