Get some basic statistics for the se-arbetsl Wikidata migration.
- 1389 items edited [1]
- 13775389 bytes (~13.14MB) added or removed [1]
- 1021 items created [2]
- 6211 claims sourced by WLM database [3]
- 2893 claims sourced by reference to Arbetsam Database [4]
- 903 claims that could not be added automatically. In the vast majority of cases it's the adress field which could not be mapped to P969 because it didn't resemble a street address (eg. Laxholmen or free-text descriptions like I Asige kör du mot Knobesholm. Efter 1,5 km tag av mot Knobesholm 2. Skylt Ekomuseum/Tunnbinderi.)
[1] quarry:17328
[2] quarry:17329
[3] ...
[4] ...