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Consider what to do with ClickTracking and work-in-progress EventLogging leftover in ArticleFeedbackv5
Closed, ResolvedPublic


ClickTracking and EventLogging is currently inside /modules/jquery.articleFeedbackv5/jquery.articleFeedbackv5.track.js of ArticleFeedbackv5. ClickTracking was a data collecting system that was deprecated in favor of the newer EventLogging extension developed by Wikimedia. As ArticleFeedbackv5 is no longer a Wikimedia-deployed extension, we need to consider what we should do with the tracking script. Out of the current maintainers who re-took ArticleFeedbackv5 (which is Brickimedia), no one is an expertise in data analysis. We could continue collecting data but if we don't use it, then it'd be a waste keeping the script. What do we want to do? (Personally I'd trash the file)

Note: The work-in-progress EventLogging leftover is located here at

	 * Send something toward ClickTracking API
	 * @param string trackingId
	$.aftTrack.track = function ( trackingId ) {
		if ( $.aftTrack.clickTrackingOn ) {
			// @todo: implement EventLogging if/once requested

		return $.Deferred().resolve();

Event Timeline

[19:22:31] <@ashley> SamanthaNguyen: EventLogging is a WMF-developed and maintained extension but it's not 100% WMF-specific AFAIK; that being said, I agree that the code should be removed

Change 343427 had a related patch set uploaded (by SamanthaNguyen):
[mediawiki/extensions/ArticleFeedbackv5] [WIP] Remove references to ClickTracking and EventLogging

Change 343427 merged by Jack Phoenix:
[mediawiki/extensions/ArticleFeedbackv5@master] Remove references to ClickTracking and EventLogging

SamanthaNguyen removed a project: Patch-For-Review.
SamanthaNguyen moved this task from Backlog to Feedback on the ArticleFeedbackv5 board.
SamanthaNguyen moved this task from Unsorted to Needs removal on the Technical-Debt board.