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logrotate for visualdiff tests on Parsoid test host (scandium)
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ruthenium runs parsoid tests, specifically "visualdiff" tests.

They fill up /srv/visualdiff/png with lots of small files , several GB every once in a while.

This made ruthenium run low on disk, as everything was on the 40GB / mount.

We fixed that for now by mounting the un-used /dev/mapper/ruthenium-vg-tank with over 377GB free space.

But we still need proper logrotate for this added to the puppet role.

Event Timeline

Mentioned in SAL (#wikimedia-operations) [2017-03-31T18:27:19Z] <mutante> ruthenium mounting /dev/mapper/ruthenium--vg-tank into /srv/visualdiff/pngs | deleted "mysql" and "dumps" data that was on previously unmounted partition , subbu checked that wasn't needed anymore, we still need logrotate (T161920)

correction: logrotate for /var/log/parsoid !

desired rules:

<subbu> rotate after log size hits 500mb; gzip after rotation; delete all files older than 24 hours.

and since we have more space:

<subbu> alright, so, you can change logrotate rules to: logrotate after 24 hours; gzip; delete all files older than 1 week ;-)

Change 345888 had a related patch set uploaded (by Dzahn):
[operations/puppet@production] parsoid-testing: add logrotate

Change 345888 merged by Dzahn:
[operations/puppet@production] parsoid-testing: add logrotate

Mentioned in SAL (#wikimedia-operations) [2017-03-31T23:11:56Z] <mutante> ruthenium: logrotate --force /etc/logrotate.d/parsoid (note this is existing file "parsoid" not new file "parsoid_testing") (T161920)

Dzahn triaged this task as Medium priority.Mar 31 2017, 11:13 PM

@ssastry Right after adding our new logrotate snippet for parsoid-testing on ruthenium, i noticed there is also an existing logrotate config for parsoid.


# logrotate(8) config for parsoid

/srv/log/parsoid/*.log {
    rotate 15
    size 256M

vs. our new /etc/logrotate.d/parsoid_testing

### puppet:///modules/parsoid/parsoid_testing_logrotate

/srv/log/parsoid/main.log {
    rotate 7

Having both of them handle the same log wouldn't be right, so i reverted the change that added the new config file.

What i did instead was run logrotate --force /etc/logrotate.d/parsoid to manually trigger the rotation using the existing config file.

The result was that we now see main.log main.log.1 main.log.2.gz syslog.log syslog.log.1 in /srv/log/parsoid/

T201366 is about replacing ruthenium with scandium (and jessie -> stretch upgrade)

MoritzMuehlenhoff renamed this task from logrotate for ruthenium to logrotate for visualdiff tests on Parsoid test host (scandium).Jul 5 2019, 12:46 PM

Yes, there are 56G in scandium:/srv/visualdiff/pngs but that is just over 50% so not an acute issue here.

@ssastry Do you ever manually delete pngs from /srv/visualdiff? Should we have a cron to delete old files or do you think this is a non-issue now?

Since we aren't going to be running parsoid-vd and parsoid-vd-client on scanidum, that whole dir can be removed and unmounted (iirc, that is an external volume that is mounted onto scandium).

Thanks! Reimaging scandium right now as part of T257906.

We can close this ticket then as not needed anymore.