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2017 wikitext editor forses users to reload the page and causes other problems
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Reported here. Another editor who's been using the editor for quite a long time, had to disable it completely just to be able to edit Ukrainian Wikipedia.

The editor will now load. If you still see this message after a few seconds, please reload the page.

I'm seeing this message while trying to open a red link. After I click the "reload the page" link, it works fine, but having to do that all the time is frustrating. Besides, as I mentioned on the talk page (see the link above), I'm having problems with using HotCat in ukwiki: after I press the "reload the page" link, I get a message that "This site can't be reached", so that I have to either edit categories manually, or switch the 2017 editor off just to be able to use HotCat.

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Restricted Application added subscribers: Base, Aklapper. · View Herald Transcript
Piramidion renamed this task from Wikitext editor 2017 forses users to reload the page and causes other problems to 2017 wikitext editor forses users to reload the page and causes other problems.May 14 2017, 8:13 AM
Piramidion triaged this task as High priority.
Piramidion updated the task description. (Show Details)
Piramidion updated the task description. (Show Details)

I've made a test in dawiki – red links don't open instantly, but show the message suggesting to reload the page. The same as in ukwiki. In enwiki I see this message too, but the editor loads on its own, I didn't notice any major problems there.

Dvorapa raised the priority of this task from High to Needs Triage.May 14 2017, 9:14 AM
Dvorapa subscribed.

Priority should be set by a developer, who will start to work on a fix ;)