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Add li: Wikibooks to
Closed, ResolvedPublic

Description does not occur at; neither in the table of active projects, nor at the list of not-included projects. As a result, my conclusion is that it has not been added to Wikistats.

My question therefore is: please add b:li: to Wikistats if possible.

Event Timeline

Restricted Application added a subscriber: Aklapper. · View Herald Transcript
Nuria subscribed.

We are working on the new version of Wikistats, this site will automatically be included.

Uh, wiki created in 2010 by JeLuF. The newprojects list is older than I thought though, and this list was properly announced:

Indeed, it has not appeared on Wikistats ever since 2010.

Is it safe to assume that it will be included in Wikistats 2.0 or is it something we should keep an eye out for?

Is it safe to assume that it will be included in Wikistats 2.0 or is it something we should keep an eye out for?

Yes, if there is data for it, it will be included. unlike legacy wikistats the new system does not rely on a whitelist but rather "blacklist" (meaning that wikis that are private are excluded, everything else is shown by default)

FYI that this is in deprioritized because any work on wikistats old ui is deprioritized while work continues on new UI.

In that case, adding the "VPS-project-wikistats" tag would seem to be the best option for now.

Per above. Seems that it is the only remaining thing to do.

@fgiunchedi Can we run the mantain-views here? Thanks!

(edit: maybe not mantain-views but what VPS Wikistats does, maybe @Dereckson could clarify?)

No, these 2 things are completely unrelated. and have nothing to do with each other.

The latter has li.wikisource

In that case, adding the "VPS-project-wikistats" tag would seem to be the best option for now.

No, please don't. Common problem with the similar naming but that is about

(edit: maybe not mantain-views but what VPS Wikistats does, maybe @Dereckson could clarify?)

There is nothing to do for VPS Wikistats. It already has li.wikibooks all this time.

@Dzahn What's left to do here then? Sorry for asking.

@MarcoAurelio As far as i can tell the issue is still as originally reported. " does not occur at".

It doesn't exist on . But that is entirely unrelated to the "VPS Wikistats" in is run by the Analytics team and is run by me. I am not on the Analytics team, the VPS project is a volunteer thing that i administer as a side / hobby project and was originally hosted on a 3rd party server and then code donated to WMF. I know the naming is unfortunate but both things are really old too and historically grown.

So for this ticket you should go back to Nuria's response from T165634#3292581

It sounds to me like it might be rejected because they are working on the new wikistats.

When she says that it means the new version of "". But you have to ask her/Analytics. Analytics-Wikistats is the right tag in this case.

If it was a ticket about something missing from wikistats.wmflabs then the VPS tag would have been the right one and i would have fixed it.

Sorry for the confusion

Dcljr renamed this task from Add li: Wikibooks to Wikistats to Add li: Wikibooks to 23 2017, 1:57 AM
Dcljr subscribed.

Have taken the liberty of renaming the task to clarify what's being requested.

Nuria claimed this task.

Wikistats2 has data now for 4K pageviews and 5 edits last month

Closing ticket @Dcljr please take a look and note URL.

@Nuria, thanks for the heads-up, but I only edited the task name. Perhaps you meant to ping the task creator?

Yes, everything looks to be working okay. This can be closed. Thanks! :)