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Enable Huggle on
Open, LowPublic


Please implement Huggle for users on

  • Insert to meta at m:Meta:Huggle/List
  • Initial configuration
  • Create whitelist
  • Translate Project:Huggle
  • Translate Project:Huggle/Message
  • Translate warn-N templates

Event Timeline

Hi @Petrb Waiting for huggle to be enabled in TamilWikipedia. There are many new contributors coming and we need huggle for faster cleanup actions.

Petrb triaged this task as High priority.Jul 11 2017, 9:41 PM


Sorry for late reply, Huggle is now enabled in read-only mode, lot of stuff on Configuration needs to be translated as well as Project:Huggle/Message (you can use english wiki version as inspiration).

Hi, these pages are directly on your wiki, for example: or

If you replace ta with en you will see the original :)

Hi @Tshrinivasan please let me know if you need any assistance with this

Petrb lowered the priority of this task from High to Low.Oct 7 2017, 8:17 PM