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Requests with an owner-only consumers results in a "Invalid signature" error
Closed, InvalidPublic


I have an owner-only OAuth consumer. When I make a request to:
I get the following error:

An error occurred in the OAuth protocol: Invalid signature

Or if I make a request to:

I get the following error:

The authorization headers in your request are not valid: Invalid signature
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I've tried this with mediawiki/oauthclient, Guzzle OAuth Subscriber, and Postman with the same result(s). I've also tried SHA1 and RSA signature methods. My only conclusion is that owner-only OAuth consumers do not work. :(

Event Timeline

When I make a request to:
I get the following error:
An error occurred in the OAuth protocol: Invalid signature

That's a known bug (T59500): you need to use
(Maybe it didn't affect /identify in the past, only /initiate and such? I can't remember)

Other than that, works fine for me with a brand new consumer:

import jwt
import requests
requests_oauthlib import OAuth1

auth = OAuth1('consumer_key', 'consumer_secret', 'access_key', 'access_secret')

r=requests.get(url='', params={'title': 'Special:OAuth/identify'}, auth=auth)
jwt.decode(r.text, verify=False)
# {u'username': u'Tgr (WMF)', ...

requests.get(url='', params={'action': 'query', 'list': 'users', 'ususers': 'DBarratt (WMF)', 'usprop': 'blockinfo|groups|editcount|registration|emailable|gender', 'format': 'json'}, auth=auth).json()
# {u'batchcomplete': u'', u'query': {u'users': [{u'editcount': 6, u'name': u'DBarratt (WMF)', u'gender': u'unknown', u'userid': 16136791, u'groups': [u'*', u'user', u'autoconfirmed'], u'registration': u'2017-05-30T16:26:09Z', u'emailable': u''}]}}

Would you be able to provide step-by-step reproduction steps for the problem?

Closing as non-reproducible.