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Reopen wikimediafr-l with anthere as admin
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Jun 15 2017, 8:20 PM
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@Anthere asked on the List admins mailing list to create the following list:

We intend to use again the mailing list
I just tried to contact its only admin and unfortunately, dead email...
Could I be made admin of it please ?
I just created a new account on that list under my most active email account

@Aklapper recommended instead to open a task here. So be it.

Event Timeline

It would be a LOT easier and quicker to resolve this, if you would be ok with starting a new list with a new name, maybe "wikimediafr" without the -l suffix, which we are not supposed to use anymore anyways. And a new list would mean it can be resolved in minutes, completely eliminating the question about access to existing archives.

What do you think? Can we just make a new one please?

Alternatively is there some way to get a link to consensus about access to existing archives? The thing here is that they are not public.

I think that option would be fine.

Ok,. So that would mean the old archives can be accessed by subscribers on the old list. But subscribers on the new list won't be able to see it.

The ideal solution would be if you can link to something that shows these archives have always been public until the list was closed AND there is consensus in the current community to hand it over to you.

Second best option would be making a new list.

What i would like to avoid though is attempting to import archives later, it usually breaks existing URLs to archives.

Let me know and sorry if i went a little back and forth on it myself on second thought.

@Anthere ^ Is there a specific due date for this? I received a private email saying it's urgent. Is there a special date?

I think that the option of a new list would be fine. Timeline ? Honestly: as soon as possible. Our main mailing list has been moderated since last November, which suggest we could wait longer. But with the decision published by the board of WMF yesterday, I would really think that this is actually urgent.


Hi there,

I can only agree with this!

Nattes à chat
Le 29 juin 2017 à 09:50, Anthere <> a écrit :

Anthere added a comment.

I think that the option of a new list would be fine. Timeline ? Honestly: as soon as possible. Our main mailing list has been moderated since last November, which suggest we could wait longer. But with the decision published by the board of WMF yesterday, I would really think that this is actually urgent.

To: Anthere
Cc: Dzahn, Akeron, Nemo_bis, Ash_Crow, Superjuju10, Mathis_Benguigui, Nattes, PierreSelim, Framawiki, Dereckson, Aklapper, Anthere, herron, D3r1ck01, Barras, RobH, Jalexander, Krenair

Mailing list creation results
You have successfully created the mailing list wikimediafr and notification has been sent to the list owner You can now:

Visit the list's info page
Visit the list's admin page

@Anthere @Nattes Hello, so.. i have just created a new list "wikimediafr" (without the -l) (per btw).

Please consider adding to

See the 2 links above to the info page (that's where everybody can use the form to subscribe) and the admin page (where you can login to change the settings).

It is really recommended to add a second admin as backup, if you find somebody for that you'd have to share the (one) admin password though and please add the second (or more) person to the "admins" field so that it appears in the "list run by" footer in the list info page.

Archives will be public at (unless you want to change that)

I selected English and French as supported languages for the UI but left all the settings at defaults, it's all up to you. You could even change the HTML of the list info page as you like just using the web interface.

Please do me a favor and set the field "A terse phrase identifying this list" to something meaningful. This will appear in the list overview description column.

You should have received an automatic mail with a randomly created password for initial login. You can feel free to change it to something else. Keep in mind there is just one admin password that needs to be shared among admins and multiple admins is usually a good thing.

To get people subscribed to the list you can either do it for them and mass-subscribe them with the admin form or everybody can request being subscribed on the list info page above.

I think this should be it, as i said, all the settings are up to you, we just ask that you keep the existence of the list public on the overview page and have a description. Cheers.

Noted. Thanks a lot !


Dzahn claimed this task.

Alright, thanks for confirming. Calling it resolved then.