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African Wikimedia Developer program in Ghana - Day 1
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Summary of what happened in day 1 and all activities done during the event;

  • @Flixtey did a presentation on an overview of the Wikimedia movement and volunteer opportunities.
  • Participants learned about Phabricator, Git/Github, Technical Areas in the Wikimedia movement, Introduction to IRC and made known of the programming languages used to build MediaWiki.
  • We created an IRC channel for developers in Africa (#wiki-dev-africa) where all developers in Africa will come together and collaborate on projects.
    • The IRC channel was registered and will be used for follow up and subsequent trainings.
  • Participants during the event joined and introduced themselves in the #wikimedia-dev channel.
  • Many participants were interested in hacking mediawiki core and contributing in building APIs and very few on building mobile apps.
  • Participants have started dropping their emails on an etherpad here: @Rfarrand this is for you :). The list will keep building as they put in their emails.
  • Pictures taken will be uploaded to commons and the link will be put there.
  • A one on one talk with the participants after the event goes by;
    • Participants mentioned they learnt a lot of new skills and tools that they never knew anything about.
    • The event is exciting and willing to get more people to contribute to the movement etc..
    • After day 2 (tomorrow), a one-on-one discussion (short interview) will be done to the participants (if not all, some), and feedbacks will be jotted down and shared.
  • As at today, we have 98 members in the African Wikimedia Developers mailing list.

All in all, Day 1 was very successful as we did more than we we planned for (all the prerequisites - phabricator, git/github, discussion on technical areas, irc, overview of wikimedia projects etc...) and will focus on hacking on MediaWiki itself and building extensions.

Event Timeline

xSavitar updated the task description. (Show Details)
xSavitar updated the task description. (Show Details)

Thanks to all who supported this initiative we are glad that it happened and looking forward to what ensues. Read more about how it went here -