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Timeline: Javascript conflict between Headertabs and timeline inline queries
Closed, DeclinedPublic


Author: laurent

An inline query with a timeline format appears blank when used inside a tab from the HeaderTabs extension.

The same query works fine once defined after the <headertabs/> tag.

Version: unspecified
Severity: normal



Event Timeline

bzimport raised the priority of this task from to Low.Nov 21 2014, 10:13 PM
bzimport set Reference to bz14897.

This needs debugging, but may as well be caused by headertabs.

I reduce the severity of this bug, since it does not affect many sites (only those with both extensions installed and using queries in the problematic order). Note that "Blocker" means "Blocks development and/or testing work" I do not see where this is the case.

Re-assign to extension developer for triage/comments.

Going through old bugs - Laurent, do you know if this is still an issue with the latest versions of MW, SRF and Header Tabs?

laurent wrote:

Hi Yaron

I can't tell if it is still an issue. I have customized Headertabs a long time ago to run with jQuery instead of YUI. I will try to revisit this entry once I get a chance to catch up with releases of MW and SRF (I can switch back to the original headertab easily if necessary).

Aklapper subscribed.

The Semantic MediaWiki developers requested in to move their task tracking to and to close remaining tasks in Wikimedia Phabricator. If you still face the problem reported in this task in a supported version of SMW, please feel free to transfer your report to . We are sorry for the inconvenience.