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Provide a "polytonic system" variant for Greek pages
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In Greek language there was a period when we used the polytonic system. All publications before the monotonic used the polytonic. Is it possible to have both versions in one page in a way that translated pages exist in meta? Which means to have both the tool to transcript and the selection box so every one can select what to see in the page. I know that some transformation tools already exist from and to polytonic, but I do not know if they are free.

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Hi @Xoristzatziki, thanks for taking the time to report this!
It is unclear to me what is requested here, probably because I miss background knowledge.
Can you please provide steps to reproduce the problem with links included? Also, the Translate extension is not installed on Greek Wikisource but I am not sure if this report is related to the functionality of Translate extension at all.
If you think of "having both versions in one page in a way that translated pages exist in meta", please provide a link to what you refer to, to make sure that we talk about the same topic.

Is it possible to have both versions in one page in a way that translated pages exist in meta?

Which underlying problem would you like to solve by this proposal?

Which means to have both the tool to transcript and the selection box so every one can select what to see in the page.

Do "the tool and the selection box" already exist on meta and could you link to them? Or do you describe a user interface that does not exist and that someone should create?

See for more information. Thanks!

Can you please provide steps to reproduce the problem with links included? Also, the Translate extension is not installed on Greek Wikisource but I am not sure if this report is related to the functionality of Translate extension at all.

rather than "Translate" extension, can ContentTranslation be installed here?

[offtopic] @Liuxinyu970226: Please avoid full quotes of previous comments for better readability - thank you! :)

My point is that "Greek polytonic" is not an real language. is just another script which includes the same words but many of them have different accent:
ἀναζήτηση instead of αναζήτηση (U+1F00 GREEK SMALL LETTER ALPHA WITH PSILI instead of U+03B1 GREEK SMALL LETTER ALPHA)
But many books exist in Greek language which are written in polytonic and must be included in wikisources.

In all pages contain a "language table"(I do not know how you call it, the <languages /> that exist) in which a user can select in which language wants view the content of the page.
(This could be useful anyway in wikisources).
If such "gadget" with a "polytonic script" as language can be added, it will save as from many manglings we do in order to provide both scripts (poly- and mono-tonic).
As I understand, this "gadget-extention"(I do not know you to call it) also provides automatic suggestions, so a "transcription" from and to polytonic could have almost everything ready.
Of course maybe we would have problems if a "polytonic script" as language in that "table of languages", is provided for any other WMF project, except for wikisources.
(it may arise other problems since polytonic is no more considered correct Greek writing, but wikisources must have it.)
Also it will be good if in that "language-script table", together with languages we can have, lets say, other authors' translations.

Nemo_bis subscribed.

My point is that "Greek polytonic" is not an real language. is just another script

So you need a language converter, not a different locale, similar to Serbian in Latin and Cyrilic script.

Nemo_bis renamed this task from translation for wikisources, feature request to Provide a "polytonic system" variant for Greek pages.Jul 2 2017, 3:14 PM
Nemo_bis triaged this task as Medium priority.

A language converter seems good. But it is important to apply it only in specific articles (or on demand?). Ethical problems may arise if we provide it to all pages and users or readers see it.

Neither MediaWiki-extensions-Translate nor ContentTranslation provide automatic script conversion like MediaWiki-Language-converter does, so they are not of help here. Language converter is either enabled or disabled. If it is enabled, then specific pages can be excluded with __NOCONTENTCONVERT__.

One could make language converter to act as a translation memory or machine translation service, if one wanted to. It's unclear whether this would be helpful given it's supposed to be automatic thing, and if it is used a service, someone would need to spend time applying those translation suggestions. But it might still be helpful if

  • language converter is not wanted enabled by default
  • it would be easier to implement script conversion as a service outside MediaWiki