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Audit and improve advanced staff rights process and records
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Quarterly goal for the Support and Safety team. This task is a tracker for the following tasks:

  • Flag all staff who have left the Foundation
  • Check those staff accounts to make sure the rights have been removed; if not, remove their rights
  • Move all former staff to an "expired rights" tab of the new sheet
  • Of those remaining, check the staff rights are still active. (There is no expiration column on the current sheet, so this will need to be done manually.) If they aren't active, move them to the "expired" sheet. If it looks like there's no real need to keep the rights active, remove them and move to the "expired" sheet.
  • Fix up the other sheets (which pull from the main one) as required
  • Create a new system for inputting data which requires less manual input (e.g. inputting the use cases on the primary sheet rather than in a separate one)

ETA for completion of this work is September 29. Work should begin around August 19 (i.e. after Wikimania).

Event Timeline

jrbs triaged this task as Medium priority.Aug 3 2017, 10:33 PM
jrbs raised the priority of this task from Medium to High.Aug 21 2017, 7:43 PM

Goal for end of Q1 (2017-09-30)

jrbs updated the task description. (Show Details)

This hit something of a bump as I discovered that there were some usecases not in the active or expired sheets, so had to investigate those to see what was up with them. Shouldn't affect deadline.

jrbs updated the task description. (Show Details)