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Identifying templates where CSS needs to be fixed or added to and identifying maintainers of those templates
Closed, ResolvedPublic


@Tbayer @Jdlrobson

We would like to identify where TemplateStyles can be used most effectively- do you have ideas on how to identify template usage and where we could have a high impact by improving mobile layout?

Asking given your knowledge of what data sources are available and what queries would be efficient to figure out what to query for- maybe deploy some eventlogging?

Adding @Fjalapeno @dr0ptp4kt @JMinor to help answer any questions.


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ggellerman added a subscriber: ovasileva.

adding @ovasileva for visibility into a request to her team.

@ggellerman there is an entire backlog dedicated to various problems we know about: Local-Wiki-Template-And-Gadget-Issues
Please note the column "TemplateStyles" - all tasks listed there should be fixable with this lovely new feature.

The most obvious and actionable that jumps to mind is revamping main pages for mobile - - doing this would remove a bunch of technical debt in the MobileFrontend extension and improve the first experience of all our readers!

Thanks for your speedy reply! I will work with @JKatzWMF on next steps.

It sounds like @Jdlrobson already provided a good starting point for high-impact action items that may keep us busy for a while.

Just in case it becomes relevant later, there are various ways to find the most frequently used templates on a wiki (which I assume the data question is partly about), e.g. via Special:MostTranscludedPages. There are some complexities about such questions, see also T96323: Please make me a list of commonly used templates in Wikipedia articles, and various tools counting in different ways, see e.g. or (both enwiki-specific). I guess it might then also be interesting to search for templates that are frequently used with a style="..." inline styling.

I'd first look at main pages indeed, and then some smaller template. I recently converted Template:Refbegin to make use of hanging indentation for instance. A not widely used feature, with different mobile.css and common.css settings, which might be a good candidate.

I'd also suggest to try some smaller stuff, before digging into MostTranscludedPages. Most transcluded also means most disruptive.

Another thing that needs to be explored is Templates that fork off to Scribunto modules. It's gonna be very interesting to explore how those two technologies best mix, before we start tinkering with widely used templates.

Deskana claimed this task.
Deskana subscribed.

The plan is to roll out TemplateStyles to a few wikis that had expressed interest as a first phase, and see how usage picks up. I consider this task resolved, because those people already reached out to us, know TemplateStyles is coming (at some point), and will experiment with it when it comes.