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Copypatrol is down (no more reported edits on enwiki)
Closed, InvalidPublic


Reported by Diannaa:
I suppose that the problem comes from EranBot. Need investigation.

Event Timeline

Framawiki renamed this task from Copypatrol is down (no more edits on enwiki) to Copypatrol is down (no more reported edits on enwiki).Aug 29 2017, 11:19 PM
Framawiki updated the task description. (Show Details)

Is this still an issue? The last report I see is from 2017-08-29 23:09, which is roughly 40 minutes ago. The EranBot logs weren't very telling, at least the files I was able to find. I'm going to guess a job got stuck on Toolforge and either finally finished or someone killed it.

kaldari subscribed.

Diannaa says it's working again.