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Some PDF files do not show a thumbnail: "500 Internal Server Error"
Closed, ResolvedPublic


No thumbnail was displayed for this file after purge few days ago:

This problem does not exist anymore in November 2017 as the file got replaced by a smaller one. For a testcase, use instead now.

Few days ago I noticed that some thumbnails are missing (most of them were available). After purge all disappeared and attempt to access any of them gives a "maintanance" message. I doubt there is some maintenance action scheduled for this specific file.

I uploaded also a slightly modified version of this file; the same effect.

As noted above, some thumbnails were available on Sep. 7, so the file did render in past.

The file itself can be downloaded (both versions) and renders fine locally.

Any hints what is wrong here?
The file is used in en.wikisource, so all page thumbnail are required.

Event Timeline

@Samwilson: I doubt the file is under flood of requests for few days. Or, maybe, five requests for thumbnails to be displayed on the file page is too many?
Something is definitely wrong here. Check in few hours.

AFAIK, @matmarex tried to upload this file on a test wiki with the same effect.

Maybe a memory limit problem or buggy software version?

Aklapper renamed this task from Some PDF files do not render in reasonable time. to Some PDF files do not show a thumbnail: "Error: 429, Too Many Requests".Sep 13 2017, 1:05 PM

"429 Too many requests" has nothing to do with users requesting the file.

matmarex renamed this task from Some PDF files do not show a thumbnail: "Error: 429, Too Many Requests" to Some PDF files do not show a thumbnail: "500 Internal Server Error".Sep 13 2017, 8:41 PM

Since a bunch of people including Ankry and myself have been trying to view those thumbnails repeatedly, this might be a genuine "429 Too many requests" caused by that. I'm pretty sure there's an underlying issue here causing this file not to render though.

To verify, I uploaded a copy of the file to testwiki under a different filename:

The thumbnail URL is:

That URL is currently failing for me with "500 Internal Server Error" (but producing that error takes over 60 seconds).

New, smaller version of this PDF does not show this problem. However, for initial version the problem still exists

Assuming this has fixed itself (not sure if that's due to using Thumbor or the recent update to Ghostscript version 9.26).

Please reopen with updated steps if this is still a problem. Thanks!