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Special:ProtectedPages displays "<restriction-level->" as a restriction level
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Author: zzuuzz

When you choose to display "any" protection level on Special:ProtectedPages on the English Wikipedia, some pages display their protection level as (<restriction-level->). These pages will not be listed if you choose to display either semi-protected or full-protected pages.

You can currently see an example listing here:

which lists [[Template talk:WWIIGermanAFVs]]. And more examples here:

which lists [[User talk:ApeAndPig]], [[User talk:]], and [[User talk:]].

It seems to occur for pages which were protected and unprotected in 2005, and which have not been protected since. Setting an expiring protection for five minutes seems to clear it.

Version: unspecified
Severity: normal



Event Timeline

bzimport raised the priority of this task from to Medium.Nov 21 2014, 10:22 PM
bzimport set Reference to bz15832.
bzimport added a subscriber: Unknown Object (MLST).

I believe this should be fixed by running an appropriate script on the Wikimedia servers. Since it is a "Wikimedia" bug and not a MediaWiki bug, I'm moving it to the appropriate category.

zzuuzz wrote:

It wouldn't take too much effort to clear them manually. I reported this bug for two reasons: it was presumably caused by a previous version of MediaWiki and is likely to have affected other installations. The script should probably form part of the maintenance or update process across the board. Secondly, the Special:ProtectedPages page should not be reporting pages which are not protected, and it's a little disconcerting that it prints what appears to be part of the underlying code as its output.

OK, for this page TS gives:











Probably related to old row migration scripts ran recently. It checks for edit=:move but not move=:edit=. Some code to delete the bad rows should be added to it.

Fixed in r41712. Needs someone to re-run.

Looks fine as far as I can tell. Resolving FIXED and moving from site requests to code.