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Upgrade puppetmaster on toolsbeta and test
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Before we upgrade the puppetmaster on tools, let's make sure that nothing disastrous happens on tools-beta.

We should at the very least make sure that there are examples of all of our major instance types running in toolsbeta before upgrading. Ideally there would be actual working grind and k8s clusters there, but setting that up may be a lot of trouble.

Event Timeline

cc: everyone who has been active in the toolsbeta project

Two things:

  1. Is anyone doing anything particularly active/current in toolsbeta that will be disrupted if this upgrade goes badly and puppet misfires all over the place?
  1. Is anyone available to help me set up some real-world scenarios in this project before the upgrade? Or, at least understand what the status quo is? There are two puppetmasters there, which is already confusing me. Maybe 100% of the VMs there are cruft and we should just start over from scratch?

The puppet compilers can be deleted now that you got everything working on another host. Given that there isn't much of a grid left (I vaguely remember the regular exec nodes did not survive a migration) it's probably fair to just shutdown the rest of the hosts as well.

From the logs, toolsbeta-puppetmaster7 was created by @scfc, the puppet-compilers by me and the rest of the hosts more recently by @madhuvishy. I think we had a bunch of other exec nodes at some point, but those probably did not survive one migration or another.

Bstorm claimed this task.
Bstorm subscribed.

The toolsbeta-puppetmaster-02 is certainly upgraded (is on stretch) and uses puppetdb as well.
I believe this is closeable.