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[Admin Score] change wording from "worthy" to something else
Closed, ResolvedPublic



a user on German Wikipedia noted that the wording describing the AdminScore needs changing:

Find out how admin-worthy a user is

In their opinion, it is not about worthiness, but about whether the admin candidates have skills that make it likely that they will do a good job.

As far as I can tell, this is the former version of AdminScore:
If I see this correctly, the "worthy" wording was not used there.

Can you change the wording to something better?


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To me "worthy" still roughly means they "have skills that make it likely that they will do a good job", but I agree it is odd wording. Not sure what an appropriate alternative is... suggestions welcome! :)

How about:

Score indicating a user's readiness for adminship

How about:

Score indicating a user's readiness for adminship

I think that's better! Still sounds a little weird to me, but I don't know of a short and sweet way to put it.

@JStrodt_WMDE what do you think?

Thanks, Matthew and Leon. I agree, to me that sounds better.
@Michi, what do you think of this new wording?

Merged and will be deployed soon!

MusikAnimal moved this task from Pending deployment to Complete on the XTools board.