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[OTRS BUG] When updating an article, the app requires captcha but doesn’t show one
Closed, ResolvedPublic


From OTRS:

I was trying to update the Scoot article to reflect some changes to their route network.
However, when I try to publish the new version, the app tells me that I need to reCaptcha.
Unfortunately, it doesn’t show me a Captcha.

Event Timeline

Testing criteria

  • Ensure no user is logged in (tap gear icon and log out if so)
  • Switch search language to testwiki
  • Search for and load the bird4 article (this is a test article which is fine to attempt to edit)
  • Tap an edit pencil on any section and add a url to an external site (such as to the section editing text area
  • Try to save the edit
  • Ensure you see the Captcha interface when trying to save. If you see it, then the bug is fixed. You do not have to actually solve the Captcha to complete the edit.
ABorbaWMF subscribed.

I am having some trouble with this one. On 5.7.3 (1287) I was unable to edit on test wiki. Tapping the pencil the edit interface quickly displays and then disappears. I just tried on 5.73 (1288) and I am able to edit, but I don't see Captcha. I tried on the iPhone 7+ and iPad Pro.

JMinor raised the priority of this task from Low to Medium.