How do we want to handle puppet agent packages for our ubuntu trusty servers (~80 hosts)?
I see 3 options:
- Use the puppetlabs trusty puppet-agent package. Version 1.8.3-1trusty provides puppet 4.8.2. This package bundles many different pieces of software including facter-3.5.1 and openssl-1.0.2j (full list below).
Contains the following components: augeas 1.4.0 cpp-hocon 0.1.4 cpp-pcp-client 1.3.1 curl 7.51.0 dmidecode 2.12 facter 3.5.1 hiera 3.2.2 leatherman 0.10.1 libxml2 2.9.4 libxslt 1.1.29 marionette-collective 2.9.1 openssl 1.0.2j puppet 4.8.2 puppet-ca-bundle 1.0.7 pxp-agent 1.3.2 ruby-2.1.9 2.1.9 ruby-augeas 0.5.0 ruby-shadow 2.3.3 ruby-stomp 1.3.3 rubygem-deep-merge 1.0.1 rubygem-fast_gettext 1.1.0 rubygem-gettext 3.2.2 rubygem-gettext-setup 0.6 rubygem-hocon 0.9.3 rubygem-locale 2.1.2-2 rubygem-net-ssh 2.9.2 rubygem-semantic_puppet 0.1.2 rubygem-text 1.3.1 runtime shellpath 2015-09-18 virt-what 1.14
Also, the puppetlabs puppet-agent package uses a different layout on disk from the current package (/etc/puppetlabs, /opt/puppetlabs, etc.) and will require modification of our trusty puppet agent puppetization to work.
- Rebuild the jessie puppet 4 packages for trusty. Probably a cleaner approach, but also means we take on the maintenance of these packages ourselves.
- Leave it alone! Our puppet masters support 3.x agents through the rack middleware and the number of trusty hosts should decrease over time.