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Firefox Linux misses number of requests and requests per type
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Using the same dashboards as for Window, the new Linux version misses number of requests and requests per type.

Screen Shot 2018-02-05 at 1.38.49 AM.png (230×394 px, 12 KB)

Screen Shot 2018-02-05 at 1.38.40 AM.png (512×1 px, 47 KB)

The result pages have the information. And it seems like the JSON has it too:

I'll check if something is wrong in the structure, I think it is an upstream issue.

Event Timeline

We have the byte size in Graphite but the number of requests isn't there. But when I test with the JSON through the API everything seems ok. Strange.

I cannot get to the bottom of this. I can see in log from Jenkins that for Firefox we send fever metrics that Chrome but we don't log the exact metrics, so it could be things like the CPU timings. When I check the result JSON (by accessing jsonResult.php) everything just looks ok.

I'm gonna add verbose logging to one of the runs so we can see the actual JSON that we use (we have had occasions where first hit to a URL doesn't work, but the next do).

Change 408262 had a related patch set uploaded (by Phedenskog; owner: Phedenskog):
[performance/WebPageTest@master] Verbose log the result from WebPageTest to debug missing metrics for Firefox

Change 408262 merged by jenkins-bot:
[performance/WebPageTest@master] Verbose log the result from WebPageTest to debug missing metrics for Firefox

Peter triaged this task as Medium priority.Feb 5 2018, 9:44 PM

The reasons is somehow related to how we send the metrics to statsv. I could see that the metrics that are missing are at the end of a batch of metrics that we send. The new name of the server is much longer than before but chrome works but not firefox. We have a limit of 2000 characters and we send 1990 where it fails.

Ping @Krinkle this is the task, however there's no rush for us to fix it, it's so much that doesn't work with the Linux version at the moment (upstream) so need to make sure that works first.

Change 408763 had a related patch set uploaded (by Phedenskog; owner: Phedenskog):
[performance/WebPageTest@master] Remove verbose logging for Firefox.

Change 408763 merged by jenkins-bot:
[performance/WebPageTest@master] Remove verbose logging for Firefox.

The problem is somehow with statsv. I've changed the agent name (shorter keys) but we still have the problem. The keys are always at the end of the statsv string.

We have the same problem with WebPageReplay: I can see that we collect the data on the server but it never ends up Graphite.