Author: dan
This bug is applied only for anonymous without edit permissions, registered users don't have problems with references
For example anons have problem with items 3,4,5
1. Anons can see references
*A<ref name=ref1>All is Good</ref>
*B<ref name=ref2>Anons can see references</ref>
2. Anons can see multiple references
*A<ref name=ref3>Anons can see multiple uses of refs</ref>
*B<ref name=ref3/>
3. But if multiple refs and gallery are used together Anons will get problem
*A<ref name=ref4>Multiple uses of the refs and gallery tag after all refs. Anons are not able to see it.</ref>
*B<ref name=ref4/>
4. Anons are not able to see ref before gallery
*A<ref name=ref5>Oops. Anons are not able to see this message.</ref>
*B<ref name=ref6>... but can see this one.</ref>
5. 'Cite error references no test' error msg for Anons
*A<ref name=ref7>Gallery between ref tags and multiple uses of refs cause 'cite_error_references_no_text' error.</ref>
*B<ref name=ref7/>
Version: unspecified
Severity: normal