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Repeated, but unchanged headlines marked as moves in visual diff
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There are many headlines "Für Jedermann". The first one was moved up, the last one was added, and these two are shown as expected (well, the move is not really clear, but that's T169325).

But there are many more instances of this headline. In these other cases, I expect them to be shown in gray and most of them omitted, as they weren't changed. But currently the visual diff displays them as moves.


actual.png (661×1 px, 116 KB)


expected.png (601×1 px, 71 KB)

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Restricted Application added a subscriber: Aklapper. · View Herald Transcript

These are actually being marked as moves but it's not visible because of T270557.

They probably shouldn't be marked as moves though.

Esanders renamed this task from Repeated, but unchanged headlines not grayed out in visual diff to Repeated, but unchanged headlines marked as moves in visual diff.Dec 19 2020, 6:24 PM
Esanders updated the task description. (Show Details)