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Installation part is missing in in wiki extension MassMessage
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In file Installation part is missing where as in another extensions like Short-Url and other wiki extensions Installation part is present. Users can find relatively easy if Installation part is present in

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Gopavasanth renamed this task from Installation part is missing in in wiki extension Massmessage to Installation part is missing in in wiki extension MassMessage.Mar 30 2018, 7:00 AM

Change 423086 had a related patch set uploaded (by Gopavasanth; owner: Gopavasanth):
[mediawiki/extensions/MassMessage@master] Installation part is missing in in Wiki extension MassMessage

@Legoktm If this part is present in then this will help users more and also this same part is present in another wiki extensions in file.

@Gopavasanth I think @Legoktm is correct. Already documentation to installation is provided in the link. And I guess no other extensions have installation specified in their files (please do specify if any extensions have it ).

@Rammanojpotla you can also check wiki extensions like LiquidThreads[1], Cargo[2] Installation part is present in README file


So I thought of adding Instllation part in wiki extension MassMessage.

Each of the README files has its own specifications I guess. Such as in


You can see there is no configuration part in above link but Mass message extension has its configuration in Similarly, there are no sections such as contact, Status etc in Mass message extension but you can find them in README of liquid threads.

Also, in case of Cargo extension, I can't find any installation part at So, it may have its installation part written in README file.

Each README file has different specifications (are written in a different format). So, I guess this is not needed. However, I am not quite sure of this change.

I can't find any installation part at So, it may have its installation part written in README file.

For Cargo extension Installation part is also present here,

So again it is also present here

In the same way I wish to implement on MassMessage

@Gopavasanth as I already said you different files have different specifications and I have no much familiarity with this. I guess you can ask the @Legoktm(I think he is the author of this file).

In general, we shall not duplicate information - it will get out of sync. Instead, we shall link to the one place where the information can be found, if at all.

Thanks @Aklapper I agree with you about duplicate information but why do many extension have the same in README file? instead, they can provide the respective link to follow.

In general, maintainers are free to do what they want. In free software there are not 'rules' for everything. And not everybody would follow every rule anyway.
Everybody is free to propose changes (as you did in this task).

Prtksxna subscribed.

I don't see much value in this to be honest...I'd rather just keep all the installation instructions on

Change 423086 abandoned by Krinkle:
Installation part is missing in in Wiki extension MassMessage

Closing per task.